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  I come home to see my girlfriend Lily (My 11th girlfriend) but when I came in, no one was their. So I thought she went out to her mates but when I walked a bit more, I seen clothes on the floor and they won't may, my heart started to beat fast cause I was thinking the worst, I was also starting to feel sick cause if she was cheating on me then that mean she having sex with a guy on my bed!?!?!?!?! So when i got near to my door, I could hear moaning and screaming i couldn't believe it, my heart was breaking into small bits cause I was going to marry her. I kick down the down and what I seen that will never leave me to this day "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE LILY" she just looked at me like I wasn't there "LILY ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME WHATS GOING ON HERE AND WHY THIS DICK-HEAD DOING HERE" she looked at me again and said "what do you think" in a calm voice. I couldn't take it, I was so mad that I went up to the guy and beat the fuck out of him and then kick him out with his clothes as well. I went up to lily and said "WHY DO THIS????? WHY??!! I WAS GOING TO MARRY YOU AND HAVE CHILDREN WITH YOU BUT WHAT I SEE IS YOU FICKING ANOTHER GUY!!??? REALLY????? MY FAMILY WAS RIGHT, YOU ARE A SLUT" and with that she went up to me and slap me across my face and said " DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME A SLUT ALAN!!!!! I DON'T FUKING NEED THIS!!!! I COULD DO SO MUCH BETTER THN YOU" my heart was gone, i couldn't take it. I told her to leaver my house and never come back, she just smiled at me and while she was walking out, she said this to me that will hunt me to this day was " Oh one more thing to tell you Alan and that I'm pregnant with someone else baby so don't worry I be out of your picture" she walked out of my house with
an evil grin on her face. I couldn't believe it, I lost everything, I'm alone. The word love mean nothing to me anymore, I give up with love and my life.


One night, I went out I was drunk, I couldn't think I was lost in the world, the better thing for me to do is to kill myself, I got nothing to life for anymore.
I climbed on the edge of the bridge, getting ready to jump, I was about to fell until I felt a soft hand on me I turn around and seen this beautiful girl with long black hair, her eyes was green, she was like an angel cause she looked so ghostly, she was plain white and her touch was so cold. she said " Don't jump and come back to me my dear love, I need you back" I didn't understand what she was saying, i never seen her before in my life. When I climbed down from the edge of the bridge, I turn around but when I did she was gone, I never even said thank you or anything, I just didn't understand why she said that to me???? I bet I will never know.  

A/N: Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!

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