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When I got inside my room, my head was killing me it was in pain I thought I should get some water and rest. When I done that I was in my bed dreaming of me and Marie growing old together and having children I know that sound cheesy but hey I'm in love. When I wake up something wasn't right, why is there a TV in my room??? The 1900 never had TV??? But I knew where I was?! I was back in my time. My heart was broken cause Marie will be standing knowing that I disappear and had to be with him the beast of a man she called boyfriend, I couldn't stop crying I felt like my whole world has be crushed, I had to research of Marie to know what happen to her.

I went up to the manger harries ' Excuses me, I was wondering the history of the owner of this hotel um Marina Bliss Walker' I said, harries give me a sad look and that what scared me something bad happen ' um well Marina Bliss Walker was the owner of course but she had this boyfriend well at the time soon-to-be husband Evan Thomas and yes I'm related to him sadly' he said in disgust 'why say that' I ask being noise ' well because the night when she was about to run with this man but I can't remember his name but I heard what he look like and I think you might be related to him anyway when he found out he was so mad that he.....he killed Marie and when I heard this I was disgust who I was and relate to as well' harries said, my world was gone I couldn't believe my angel was killed by that beast 'Is this why you give me an weird look at me when I first got here' I ask, he looked at me 'Yh I thought you might be related to him and I didn't want you to go in the museum at midnight was because when anyone in there at midnight they could hear Marina Bliss Walker saying this ''Hello...... is there anyone there..... Please I'm looking for my love... please hello....hello?' I was in shock the voice I heard was for me, I wanted to cry 'um.... thank you for your time' and with that I ran to my room. I broke everything in my room, I throw the vase across the room, I'm alone in this evil world I was lost, I was about to broke something until I heard a knock on my door, I opened the door it was the manger ' Excuses me sir but this old letter is for you. I didn't know when it came in but here' he said, nodded my head and I close the door. I looked at the letter it was from HER!!!! MARIE I opened it quick and started to read it.........

Dear darling

If your reading this then I didn't make it because Evan had find out that I was going to break it if with him, I'm writing this quickly because imp hiding under the bed I know it's stupid to hide but I wanted to write this to you my dearest, I know you disappear but I'm not mad, I love you with all my heart even though we met yesterday but you made me feel special like no men every did and I'm thankful that I did met you. Oh no Evan in my room now, I have to go but just know I will always be with you and I know I'm going to die I just have a feeling I will, anyway goodbye my dearest I hope I see you again in heaven xxxxxxxx

Again, I love you.
your dearest Dear darling
Marina Bliss Walker

a.k.a Marie

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