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The time was 11:11pm; I couldn't stop thinking what Harris said to me ' Don't go in the museum after midnight!!!!' why? What so important in there? Is there a die bodies in there? What? What is in there???? That's it!! I'm going in there to see what's so important in there.

When I got near to the stair I heard a voice 'Hello...... is there anyone there..... Please I'm looking for my love... please hello....hello?' I was so scared but again her voice was so peaceful and I felt also sorry for her that she can't find her love

When I got into the museum, I saw the most beautiful picture of women; it looks like it was taken from the 1900 I think. Her hair was jet black, her skin was white as snow in a way she look like snow white, but her eyes was blue like the ocean. Once I got close to the picture, I seen her name was called Marina Bliss Walker, it was the same name as this hotel, maybe she was the owner of this place once but I didn't care I felt like I met her before but I didn't when or how cause she died and the year this picture was taken at the time most be old.

When I was about to touch the picture, heard a noise coming from the stairs, I got scared cause I didn't want to get caught, and I was walking backward until I tripped over the rope that was proctoring the picture and the weirdest thing is I fell into the picture!!!!!! I couldn't see anything, I only could see the blind light, and I thought I was dying, until I show the blue sky


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