Love at sight

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Me and Marie went outside in the garden, 'I love the stars it look so beautiful' she said while looking up at the stars, turned to look at her 'like you' I whisper in her ear, she looked at me like I was lying 'I bet you say that to all the girls you see' she said, my heart broke when I heard that, I grabbed her face in my hands ' to me your the most beautiful I have ever met, and call me mad but I'm falling in love with you' I said looking in her eyes, she looked at me in shock I thought that would mean get away from me, when I was about to walk away, she grabbed my hand, pulled me to her and kissed me, I kissed her with passionate like if it was just me and her in the world, her lips were so soft I could kiss her all day. When we pulled apart, she look at me 'I never felt loved for a long time and I want to be with you because Evan isn't the man for me, has a beast to me, he punches me and hurt me, I felt so weak but now I Know what to do I will break it off with him in the morning with a note so we can run away' she said I was over the moon with enjoy 'I do anything for you my love' I said, Marie look at me and smile 'good I have to go pack my things see you in the morning' Marie said and with that she peck me on the cheek and ran off. I was over the moon; I can't believe this was happening  

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