Chapter 25- Grawp The Friendly Giant

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The day after their last train ride to Hogwarts, Harry, Ron and Hermione went down to visit Hagrid. They hadn't seen him in ages, for he had been working hard along with the rest of the teachers to fix up the castle from the war- there was still sections that were blocked of because they still weren't safe for the students to be near.

As they crossed the lawn to Hagrid's hut, they saw a happy Buckbeak, of whom Harry and Hermione had saved, tied to the hut and in the pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch was all dead now- it was just old remains of pumpkin plants, dirt, some wired fencing, and the occasional pile of snow here and there. There was also a path scraped out of the snow leading to the patch, and judging by the pine needles that littered the pth, Harry could guess that it was a trail from Hagrid bringing in Christmas trees from the woods.

They rapped on Hagrid's front door loudly, and soon it opened up to reveal a beaming Hagrid.

"Aye, if it ain't Harry, Ron and Hermione! I ain't seen the three of yas in ages! Come 'ere, give me a hug!" He pulls them into a rib cracking hug, and squeezes them tightly before releasing them. Hermione, who had been hugged the tightest, staggered slightly into Ron. "Come in, it's freezin' out 'ere."

He opens the door wide to let them in, and as soon as he shuts the door, Harry is knocked over by a large gray figure.

"Yuck." He says, as Fang licks his face enthusiastically. "Alright buddy- I missed you too."

Hagrid pulls Fang off of Harry, who proceeds to sit down at the table beside Ron and Hermione. Hagrid gives them a rock cake without giving them any time to refuse, and they can't do anything but eat it. The rock cake cements their teeth together.

"So, 'ow is it all goin' in the world of the little trio?" Hagrid asks, and Ron wrenches his teeth apart to answer with a smirk.

"Well, Hagrid, since you asked..." Ron trails off, grinning over at Harry and Hermione. "There has been a little bit of love going on here. Harry, would you like to tell him?" Before Harry could answer, Ron cracks a joke. "Harry and I are dating."

Hermione snorts and Hagrid flushes. "Well, er, that's er... I'm happy fer the two of yas, and 'f that's 'ow you want ter live yer life, then, who am I ter judge?"

Harry turns beat red as Ron cracks up. "No, no Hagrid you've got it all wrong. Ron was joking- I'm not gay, and neither is he- I'm dating Hermione."

Hagrid sighs with relief. "Yeah, that sounds a bit more... right. The two of yas together sounds right." He sits back in his chair. "I'm glad the three of ya decided to stop down ter visit me- I was startin' ter think ya forgot where I live."

Hermione smiles softly. "Sorry Hagrid, we meant to see you, honestly. But, we've been busy, with all of this, and you've been busy too, fixing the broken parts of the castle..."

Hagrid smiles down at them, but stays quiet. Finally he speaks up. "Look, er, Ron, I would ask ya to help out to, but he doesn't know ya as well... but Harry, Hermione, do ya think ya could do me a huge favor?"

"Sure Hagrid."

"I've got ter go out of town- a little bit o' stuff is missin' for ther last part of the castle that needs ter be finished- I need the two of ya to take care of Grawp." He says the last part quietly, as if he regretted asking for their help.

Hermione pales, and Harry slides closer to her while answering. "Of course we can- how long will you be gone?"

"Oh only two days... can yer handle it? Just make sure he's still there... check 'round noon if ya like, or night... only once er day."

"Alright. We can handle it."

Hagrid beams, and when he does, his whole face lights up and it gives Harry and Hermione a more positive look on taking care of Grawp- maybe it won't be so bad. They didn't have any classes these first two days back anyways. "Thank ya, I really 'ppreciae it."

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