Inner Beauty... My Ass

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If my pineapples would like to check out my new book 'Quite The Crazy One' feel free :)

*hint*check it out*hint*

Thanks prunes
Enjoy pineapples ;)


Chapter 6-Inner Beauty... My Ass.

"How did you magically figure I was the next Moon Goddess?" I ask the mysterious, sexy, white-haired man that is sitting opposite me in his desk.

He gives me a flat look.

"You gonna eat that?" I question again, changing the subject and pointing to the cheese sandwich that is lying on his desk.

He shakes his head and pushes it towards me where I engulf it within three bites.

"Man." I heard him mutter.

"I heard that."

"Good for you."

"So... Are you going to tell me why you sliced my arm with a silver blade?" I ask once I dusted the crumbs off myself.

"No werewolf, no matter how strong you are, will properly heal from a silver mark." He sighs and runs his face, realising this conversation isn't about to stop.

"So that gives you an excuse to go all murder-like on me and slice my skin?"

"I was investigating." He states, running a muscular hand through his hair.

How can you be so muscly that even your fingers look like biceps?

Ok, maybe that's going to far.

"No shit, Sherlock." I reply bluntly.
"So... When you saw my eyes you decided to get a samurai sword and go Kung Fu with it?"

"Theirs a lot more to this that you don't know, ok?"

"Alright grumpy." I say, swivelling on his spiny chair.


"I can't concentrate with you in here!" the guy-who's name I have yet to find out-moans.

So far, he has moved from the office, to the living room, to the kitchen and finally settling in the library where he tried to escape my ongoing rambling and fireball questions.

"Ok, one last question." I say, not bothering to wait for a reply before continuing. "What's your name?"

He groans on response and answers, "Dylan."

"Dylan." I say to myself. "Nice name."

He doesn't reply but instead gets up and walks over to some books.

Turning around and heading back my way, I notice that he has a black book in his hands.

"Read this." He orders, dumping the book on front of me.

I growl at the way he is disrespecting me and my wolf.

"Don't growl at me, pup." I snarl at him and look down to read the golden letters of the book.

'The Tale of the Fallen Angel' it read in loopy writing.

"This book looks nice and all," not. "But I'm not a fan of books" I say, making a move to put it back before Dylan puts his hands down on it to stop me.

"Just, read it. It's about you."

I sigh and sit back down, focusing my gaze back to the book.

I open the book and flip to a random page where I see a picture that looks a lot like... I look up to Dylan.

"Why is there a picture that looks a lot like you?" I question, looking from him to the book.

"Read it and find out." He murmurs.

Instead of retorting with one of my witty comebacks, I decide to just follow through and read it.

'Dylan Axel Moon.

The only survivor of the Dark Shadow Pack aside from his twin brother, Frank Agony Moon.

It was believed that during an important pack meeting, their house was set alight and the twins are the only ones left.

Their royalty is what is keeping the twins at battle and only fate is to decide: who will be future king of werewolf's.'

I close the book, not bothering to read anymore and going to apologise to Dylan about his loss before he interrupts.

"You've read the book for 30 seconds. Im pretty sure you haven't got all the information you need." I shake my head. "Turn to page 22."

I scowl but say nothing as I flick to page 22.

'The story of Lya Jordan Falls.' It read. 'She is what everyone believes is the next Moon Goddess or the Fallen Angel.

Thousands of years ago, in the heavens where the Moon Goddess lay, their was a war.

The Moon Goddess, who was pregnant at the time, was the one that the people wanted. so having no further choice the Moon Goddess had to either give up her baby or send it down to earth.

The only way she could send her child to earth was to banish it. So she settled on banishing it until it found its mate.

Hundreds of years later, their is still no sign of the Fallen Angel.'

I stop reading from there and turn to face Dylan. "So... I'm banished from my home?" he nods. "Sweet."

He gives me a confused look but doesn't question, instead asking a different one. "Did you read it all?" I shake my head. "What are you waiting for?"

"I don't like reading." I moan.

He gives me a stern look that says 'read it or ill shove your face in the book' and without further notice, I continue to read.

'It was believed that when the Moon Goddess banished her, she did not restrain Lya from her powers and therefore she can:

Fly/hover, control the weather and control the four elements.

It is believed by some that Lya Falls also has the ability to shift into another animal although, that not has been confirmed.'

"Thats awesome!" I squeal before reading the last paragraph.

'Over time, a war will be encountered that is inevitable where Lya will finally be sent up to the heavens along with her mate. Before the war, Lya will find her mate and her two guardians as well as being trained by Dylan Axel Moon.'

"So..." I start.

"It's all very confusing I know, but in shorter words, I am training you and I'm your m-never mind." He looked skeptically at me.

"And you're my what?" I push, leaning in closer as if he is going to tell me a top secret.

"Nothing, not important. Anyways, you need to meet the pack, maybe our guardians will be in mines."

"I suppose." I huff, annoyed that he didn't tell me. "When shall I meet them?"

"Lets see," he walks over to a desk in the library and flicks open a diary of some sort. "This Sunday?"

"Perfect." I smile and resume to read the rest of the book.


Sorry that this is short! don't worry, next chappie is going to be about the little gathering of the pack.

Hope you lot enjoyed

For now, my pineapples :D

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