Just The Way I Like It. Not

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Chapter 3-Just The Way I Like It. Not.

As usual, I was late to school.

A whole hour and thirteen minutes to be precise.

I head to my locker, dancing to the techno beat that was blasting through my headphones and retract my stuff that I need before lunch.

Just before entering my English class, I turn up my music on full blast to drown out the comments made by the people in there. I cover the new member of my bruised face with my bangs and apply a layer of vaseline to my chapped lips before entering.

I can feel all eyes on me and I could tell that people were saying stuff because their lips were moving.

I shuffle to my seat at the back of the class and sit down, resting my head in my arms and stare out the window.

I see a hand move from the corner of my eye but take no notice to it. All of the sudden my headphones are being yanked from my ear and the sound of laughter fills them instead.

I lift up head to see the teacher gone and 30 heads bobbing up and down with laughter.

"And the freak has awoken." Shannon says, still laughing.

"And the whore still stinks." I mumble back, hoping that she didn't hear. But of course a school full of werewolf's is bound to hear.

"What did you say, freak?" she said, rising from her seat.

"She said you stink, Shani." A red head on her left said.

"I stink?" she let out a humerus laugh. "Says the one that's a bum?"

"I stink." I mimic with a scowl on my face. "Yes you stink, tranny. The amount of guys you've slept with is a joke. Most probably down below that everyone is smelling." The class let out a howl of laughter when I finished my sentence and I leaned back in my chair with approval.

"Oh you think your so funny now d-"

"I know I am." I interrupted, making her scowl in disapproval.

"Well news flash bitch, your-" she got interrupted again by Mr Jordan, our English teacher coming in and shouting at her.

"And just what do you think your doing displaying a range of colourful words in my classroom Shannon?" he asked.

"Just teaching this bitch a lesson." She mumbled back, taking a seat.

"Right then class-" he was cut of by the bell ringing and I flung out of my seat, dodging Shannon's anorexic fingers trying to grab me and ran out the classroom.

I mumbled apologies to the people I bumped into and scrambled into the lunch hall to pick up an apple and a drink.

Paying for it, I made my way outside where the cool breeze hit my face, and made my way towards a bench where I sat most days. Alone.

"Hey, sis." My sister said, turning to her two friend to give them a wide grin.

I ignored her and took a bite out of my apple, crossing my right leg over my left in the process.

"Mind if we joined?" she asked. Not waiting for an answer she said, "Good." and sat on my left whilst her two minions sat on my right.

I hated getting the attention of people. Weather it was good or bad, I hated it. And in this school, I was constantly getting attention, not in a good way of course.

When I first started school, I attempted to be the quiet nerd that sat in the back of the classroom, getting straight A's whilst being ignored by people. But of course the pack didn't allow that to happen and so obviously pushed me in mud and forced me to do their homework.

Everytime I would pass someone they would always give me their space of the day just to say something insulting. I always get the attention, weather it was good or bad, obviously bad.

Just the way I like it. Not.

A painful sting struck across my left cheek and I zoned back into earth to realise that I had been slapped by my own sister.

"-and your just a huge waste of oxygen!" She finished shouting and I realised that I zoned out of the wonderful speech she was giving me.

"Talk to me when your breath doesn't stink." I retort lamely and use one hand to cover my nose whilst the other is used to pick up my lunch.


5 more minutes. I think to myself whilst leaning my head against my hand which is on the desk.

Dammit. Why can't this teacher make the lessons more fun. Can't he see that were all dying of boredom here? I think, struggling to stay awake.

Okay, 3 more minutes. You can do this Lya. I think again when my eyes start to droop close.

Ring, ring!

The bell goes off and jump, realising I fell asleep in the space of two minutes.

I pack up all my stuff and lazily make my way out of art, handing back the paper that was meant to have a sketch on it.

"Um, Miss Falls?" I hear Mr Gallon question.

"Yes, sir?" I reply, trying to quickly back out of the classroom.

"Were is your work?" He asks, dumbly flicking the paper over thinking their will be work on the other side.

"I fell asleep. I couldn't keep my eyes open. Ill try not to let that happen again, sir." I say bluntly before turning and rushing out the classroom.


I reached home just over an hour later and I couldn't help but think that I could make it faster if I could change into a wolf.

I enter the house and I am greeted with silence. Never a good thing I thought.

"And just were have you been Lya?" Alpha Colt asks, leaning on the counter and taking a bite out of a sandwich.

"I walked." As usual, I felt like adding but decided against it.

"Yes, I know. You walk everyday. just why has it taken you," he looks at his wrist watch. "Almost two hours to come here?" he asks.

Oh, I thought, guess I took longer than intended.

"Guess I took longer than I intended, Alpha" I said, voicing my thoughts.

That obviously was not the right thing to say as Alpha Colt growled and clutched the bridge of his nose.

"Just get out of my site." He spat. "Some of the people from school said that they wanted to do a surprise for you, they're in the living room." He said, pointing towards the direction of it.

"Yes Alpha." I said, bowing my head and making a move towards the living room.

This is why it was so silent. They're planning something. I thought whilst steadily making my way towards the living room.

"Surprise bitch." Shannon shouted before slamming me into a nearby wall and strangling me.

"You should know better than to talk back to your older sis. Now your gonna pay." Lilly said, walking into the room.

"Get over yourself. Your about 2 minutes older than me! Anyone would think your fucking 64 by the way your going on!" I shouted, chocking on the little air supply I had left. "Aw, did you do something different, Shannon?" I asked, faking admiration.

She loosened her grip on my neck and began to spoke. "Well actually I-" I cut in.

"Because you look more of a tranny you did before." I finished, letting out a howl of laughter before she tightened her grip on my neck again and I started chocking.

I began to see black dots covering my vision and I shut my eyes tightly.

So much for being the shy nerd who doesn't attract attention. Was my last thoughts before blacking out.


Again, this chapters short, I know sorry!!!

But don't worry, next chap is going to be mega long!

Fact 2; me, my brother and my cousin used to spend most of our childhood at our grandmas because she had walls of videos that we used to just sit and watch. We would also have a movie marathon with sleeping bags and hot chocolate :)

Now those days are over :( still go and visit to take some of the old skl video's though. Especially Power Puff Girls and the Lion King :D

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Stay awesome, pineapples-Tee

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