Lies. All Lies

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Chapter 1-Lies. All lies.


Lies, lies, lies.

That's all I ever get.

I got told that I would be loved. Lies.

I got told that being different is good. Lies.

I got told that I am the most beautiful child the Moon Goddess has created. You'd never guess what? That was a lie too.

Ever since my mom was dragged of to a cell underneath the basement my life has been living hell.

You see, me and my twin sister, Lilly look nothing alike. In fact, I'm the ugly twin, as the pack like to call me.

Lilly is the stunning girl that looks like both our mother and father combined into one. She has moms golden waist-length curls of hair, dads forest green eyes and lips that looks to be moulded by the perfect artist. Her dress sense is what people call impeccable and her manners give her the final touch.

That is of course, manners to everyone else but me.

The packs punching bag.

It all started when me and Lilly was celebrating our 16th birthday. The day when your inner wolf comes out and you could finally find your mate.


"Happy birthday!" more-or-less the whole pack screamed as me and Lilly got out of my shiny, red, new mini convertible.

Me and Lilly shared knowing looks and charged at the pack, trying to engulf as many people into a hug as possible.

Grinning wider than a Cheshire Cat, I made my way to the backyard where there were multicoloured banners and balloons, all saying happy birthday, rows of tables covered in party food.

I heard a gasp and I turned to see my sister with her jaw on the floor. I tapped her chin and whispered "Don't want to catch flies now, do we?"

She replied with a grin and ran over to a table that held doughnuts.

I felt a light kiss being placed on my cheek an turned to see my mother standing their. "Wonderful isn't it Hun?" she asked.

"Yes, I think this is going to be great. Thanks mum." I replied before running of to meet my sister by the pool.

"Hey sis. It's amazing isn't it!" I say to her, sitting down and resting my feet in the pool.

"Yeah." She replies, taking in a deep breath of the forest scent. "You should of seen Ms Gillian's face when she noticed I started to shift." She said, chuckling to herself. "She literally pushed me into the forest so the humans wouldn't see what's happening. I turned into an awesome chocolate brown wolf with a white line going from my nose to my tail." She turned to me, smiling. "What about you sis?"

I sat there with my mouth agape with no words making their way out. "I-I. I haven't exactly..." I said, not being able to finish off my sentence.

"What!" she screams back.

The whole of the backyard turns deadly silent due to the fact that they have heightened senses and most likely heard every detail from out conversation.

I heard a glass fall to the floor and I turned my head to see my mums once tanned skin turning pale.

"Your a disgrace to this pack, Lya Jordan Falls." Alpha Colt said to me, emerging from the sea of people.

*End of Flashback*

I peal myself of the heap of blankets that I call my bed and make my way to the 'bathroom'.

I stare in the cracked, broken mirror that the pack has provided me. But the person looking back is not me, Lya Falls, the happy, carefree child that roamed the streets with her head held high with her sister right beside her.

The person looking back at me is a coward. A broken girl that gets abused in every way possible and is hated for nothing.

The violet eyes that once shined with ongoing happiness is now dull and lifeless. The charcoal black hair that ran past my waist and settled at mid-thigh and held glossiness up to the roots are now covered with spit ends, and the rosy cheeks that showed how much I smiled was now pail.

I was once a girl that everyone loved.

But as I said, that was all lies.


^kinda just went all on attack the keyboard mode so... yeah :)

This chap is mega short, and next couple are most likely going to be that
way two.

But don't worry kitties!! You will be saved!!!

Oh right, and there will be a super duper long chappie on the way two ;)

Worth the wait my pineapples.

Vote, comment, share! Thanks :D

Stay awesome!-Tee

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