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I don't know how long I'd been back in my cell for. I couldn't keep track of the time or the days anymore. What was this place? What kind of experiments did they carry out?

An Institute for supernatural beings; I didn't belong here.

Jared, was that what they called the creep? Only one word comes to my mind every time I see him, every time I think of him. Vampire. They don't exist though, nothing he's saying does.

Maybe I've gone crazy and I'm actually in an Institute for the mentally ill. Could I have made all this up in my head? If I had I would probably have been told this by now.

The ritual. Jared had mentioned something about a ritual. What was he going to do with me? What was the ritual for? So many questions were swirling through my mind. I couldn't concentrate. I rubbed my temples gently as a dull ache spread across my head. I don't want to stick around and find out. I had to get out of here.

I gazed around my dark cell, trying to think of a way to escape. The window was too small for me to climb through. Also the bars on the window didn't help either. I looked down at the floor. No trap doors or secret passage ways that I could see. I sighed, leaning my head back against the cold wall. This was useless. I had no chance of getting out of here. Well, no chance of getting out of here alive anyway.

The door to my cell was then pushed open. My head snapped round as I jumped in fright slightly. The two doctors, Stephen and James, were standing there. I watched them carefully. What were they up to?

"You must be hungry. Come, we will get you something to eat," Stephen said.

Seriously? They were going to let me have something to eat? What if the food was poisoned? That thought freaked me out.

They made their way over to me, picking me up off of the floor. I didn't struggle. I needed to keep my attention on my surroundings. I had to have a plan for my escape. They led me out of my cell and headed the opposite way down the hall from last time I was dragged out.

The hallway was dimly lit. I don't even know how the two doctors could see where they were going cause I sure as hell couldn't. Were they some sort of supernatural beings too? It wouldn't surprise me if they were.

We then headed down a flight of stairs before taking a right at the bottom. My heart fluttered in my chest as an idea came into my mind.

"Um...Can I please use the bathroom? I haven't been able to go since I've been placed in that horrible cell," I asked, putting on my sweetest voice.

I didn't know if this would work. It was the only thing I could come up with. It was either this or I'd be placed back in that revolting cell. Were they really that stupid enough to fall for it though?

"Fine, but make it quick," James replied.

The pulled me over to a door on the left. I stared at them as they let go of my arms. Were they going to come in with me?

"We'll wait out here. Hurry up though," Stephen told me.

I quickly pushed the door open and closed it behind me, locking it. I turned and studied the bathroom. It was small and smelled horrible! I covered my mouth, feeling myself beginning to gag. I then looked at the window.

Hope began to build in me as the window was big enough for me to fit through. I walked over to the toilet, pulling the lid of the seat down. I carefully and quietly stepped onto the lid. I leaned over to pull open the window.

"Hurry up in there! We haven't got all day!" James's voice boomed from the other side of the door.

I gasped in fright. I had to hurry before they knocked that door down. I pulled the window up as quietly as I could, my hands shaking like mad. It made a slightly creaking noise but not loud enough for them to hear. I leaned forward more and peered out of the window. The drop wasn't too bad. I must have only been up one flight. 

I propped myself up onto the ledge, dangling my feet off the edge. I felt the cold wind hit my face. It felt nice on my warm skin. I wasn't afraid of how high up I was. That might have been the adrenaline coursing through my body though.

I then began to hear the two doctors calling out my name. My heart was racing, pounding against my chest. There was a loud crash as the door to the bathroom was smacked open. I gasped and turned my head seeing them in the door way.

"GRAB HER!" James yelled as they ran into the room.

It was now or never. I then threw myself from the window. I blinked my eyes a few times as the wind rushing by my face was making my eyes water. As I hit ground with some force, I began to feel a throbbing pain in my left ankle.

Groaning in pain, I looked up to where I'd just jumped from. It seemed a lot higher than I anticipated. I rose to my feet with caution. I had to get out of here before they came after me. No doubt the whole institute knows I'd just escaped.

I looked at my surroundings and came face to face with a forest. I really didn't want to go in there but I had no choice, it was my only way out. I began running as best as I could through the dark engulfed forest. My ankle was in so much pain. I couldn't run as fast as I'd like.

As I pushed branches out of the way I wondered where I was going to go. A branch then caught my cheek, slicing it open. I winced but kept going. I then saw a clearing up ahead. I ran a bit faster but then my ankle gave out.

I fell to the ground as I managed to get through the clearing. I looked up and saw a huge house. It looked like someone still lived there. I pushed myself onto my feet and began limping my way over to the stranger's house.

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