Chapter 32

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"I wanna go home, I don't know what I've done.
...Too far down a road to go back where I came." -"Fallen Angel" by Molly Svrcina


Nova didn't know how long she had sat there for. Less than an hour or hours. Time blurred together into a muddled mess of loss and depression. Nova raised her gaze up, sniffing obnoxiously as she dazed off at the brick wall in front of her. Maybe I should just head back to Quintavius. I'm not wanted here.

Even as the thoughts crossed her mind, she couldn't bring herself to take action. Nova sniffled more, wiping her nose on her sleeve. Her eyes ached, and her nose throbbed with her heartbeat. She stayed huddled in her ball, even when she heard the sounds of feet approaching. Even when she heard a chuckle of a deep voice.

"I thought I smelled a blood bag around here. You stink of desperation and sadness." The voice caused Nova to flinch, peeking out of her safe haven into the glowing red eyes of a hooded vampire. He was quick to grin, flashing his teeth at her.

She brought her hands down from her knees, the palms pressing flat against the stone ground as she shuffled herself backward. She hadn't thought to grab her swords when she had left in a rush, leaving her defenseless.

"Ah, and there's that delicious fear I love smell right before I drink from my victims. Don't worry, I'll make sure you feel everything," he continued on, a mean smile on his face as he started after her. A small whimper left her mouth as she scooted backwards quicker, trying to keep distance between her and a vampire.

"Ah ah ah," the vampire tsked, speeding up so he was in front of her in an instant. He crouched down, grabbing her chin as he turned her head back and forth with a frown.

"You'll do I guess. Not the prettiest, but one can't be too picky nowadays," he mused, keeping his grip firm on her chin as he tilted her face away to have access to her neck. Her eyes widened in fear as a shadow fell over them. The vampire felt the presence behind them, turning around to give him a piece of his mind.

He didn't get the chance as his head was quick to roll to the ground. Nova flinched as the vampire's blood sprayed her skin and clothes. She looked up slowly, her eyes burning with the sun. Her eyes adjusted through blinking, finding Ridge standing in front of her with a bloodied sword.

"Ridge?" she called out, her voice small. The boy kicked the corpse off to the side, crouching down in front of Nova. His sword dangled from one hand, the tip resting against the ground as his left hand went up to clasp her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with worry. Nova nodded, wiping her eyes and managing to smear blood across her cheek.

"Aren't you going to cast me away like everyone else?" Nova questioned, sniffling. Ridge sent her a kind look, squeezing her shoulder.

"I haven't been on the team long enough to gain my trust in you guys quite yet," Ridge started, hefting Nova up. She grabbed her arm, rubbing it as she looked down at the dead vampire.

"I see," she murmured. Ridge looked at her, pursing his mouth.

"It wasn't right of them," he admitted, causing her to look up at him, "to judge you so quickly, I mean. You never intentionally meant to hurt anyone. You didn't have control.

"I can understand why they felt the way they did. You kept something of large significance to them. At the same time, I don't find anything to find you guilty of. You knew how they would react if they found out your past. Therefore, I am not angry at you for your choices," Ridge explained, causing tears to well in Nova's eyes.

"Thank you," Nova choked out, trying to clear her throat. "It means a lot to me that at least one of you isn't betrayed by me." Ridge shook his head, looking around the corner of the alleyway to where the building laid. From there, he could make out Leon watching where he was at. He sent him a thumbs up around the corner so Nova couldn't see.

"I'm sure I'm not the only one," Ridge answered her, looking back at Nova with a caring grin.

"I doubt it," she denied, sighing loudly , and looking down the opposite way of the alleyway. It ran out to the other side of the buildings, leading to another street.

"Come back with me," Ridge offered, giving out his hand for her to take. She turned back, looking down at it skeptically.

"I'm sure if I go back, Christopher will try to kill me," she excused, taking a step back from her partner.

"He went out for a run. He needed to blow off some steam. He won't be there when you are. Please, Nova." Her eyes searched him, taking in the sincerity evident on his face.

"Okay," she relented hesitantly. Ridge beamed widely, grabbing his katana and sheathing it. He quickly wrapped his arm around her, guiding her back to the building.

The two of them made their way up the stairs. Nova started shrinking in on herself as they got closer, starting to second guess her choice to come back.

The first to greet her was Leon. He stood in front of her taking in her he red, puffy eyes and trembling lip. His heart sunk, thinking he was a part of the cause of that.

"Oh, Nova," he murmured, opening his arms to hug her as he walked forward wrapping his arms around her. She broke down in another sob as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to betray you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she managed out between shuddering breaths. Leon buried his nose into her hair, his hands holding her back and head as he threaded his fingers into her hair.

"It's okay. Ridge sat us down. We overreacted. It's okay," he muttered into her hair. She sniffed loudly, pulling her head back to look up at him.

"Us?" she choked out around the thickness in her throat. He nodded, rubbing her arm soothingly.

"The rest of us. Pax understands. He'd be here now except he's laying wards and runes around the camp to keep things away. Tony understands but she's still a bit hesitant to be so forgiving right away," Leon explained, his arms staying around Nova as a form of comfort.

"And Christopher?" Leon looked down, pressing her closer as he nestled back into her hair.

"He needs time. I don't know how long." Nova nodded, her arms around him tightening as she buried her face into his chest more.

"Can you hold me like this a little bit longer?" Nova asked, her words coming out a murmur. Above her, a small smile lit up Leon's features.

"Of course, Nova."

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