Chapter 25...

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I slowly stand from my seat Harry doing the same from behind me. I take his wrist dragging him out of the room with me. I take him up to my room closing the door behind us and then turn to him.

" I'm so sorry, she's usually not like that at all" I sigh running a hand through my hair. He chuckles his hands taking mine from my hair, before placing his hands in mine. He turns letting my hands go as he looks around.

" it's fine, I was expecting it" he shrugs walking further into my room. His eyes on everything of mine, he then stops his gaze staying on one spot. He picks up the picture analysing it.

" stop snooping" I scold walking to his side taking the picture of me and my dad out of his hands. His eye brows are furrowed as he keeps his eyes in one place over thinking.

" what is it?" I ask placing the picture back on the dresser.

" is that your father?" He asks his eyes finally meeting mine. Looking desperate for the answer. I slowly nod watching his reaction turn to frustrated.

" what is it?" I ask again this time expecting an answer but he doesn't give me one. He shakes his head a smile appearing on his lips.

" nothing" he chuckles his grip now on my waist. I gasp as he lifts me up and practically throws me across the room to my bed. As soon as I land he's on top of me, the smirk yet to leave his lips.

His head slowly tilts down into my neck, taking a deep inhale of me. I place my hands on his chest ready to push him away if he tries any moves. Not like my strength can match his.

" you smell heavenly" he groans bringing his face to the front of mine. " innocence" he mumbles before his lips are on mine, his hands reach my legs parting them forcefully so he could rest between them. His tongue then enters with mine, my hands now fisting at his shirt wanting it to be off.

" okay break it up and let the others inside" I suddenly jump from a voice across the room, Harry breaks away chuckling as his eyes stay on me. He knew they were there. I scoff shoving at his chest.

He chuckles more as he gets up. Louis already being in the room since I've already invited his in, which I quite regret.

I sit up on my bed looking to find the other three boys waiting by the balcony.

" come in" I sigh standing to my feet again.

" AUBREE, COME DOWN YOUR PARENTS ARE HERE" grans high pitch yell runs through the house from downstairs. I sigh again, I don't want them to be here at the same time.

Harry's quick to be by my side as I walk out of my room, making sure all the boys were out before closing the door behind them. Then making my way downstairs Harry's grip instantly tightens noticing both my mum and dad standing beside each other by the front door, both smiling towards me.

" so good to see you again darling, feels like a while since I've seen you" mum babbles on wrapping her arms around me. Harry's touch is now on my wrist slightly tightening as I hug both my parents.

" and this is?" My mum asks eyeing Harry up and down, her lips slightly dropping. I turn smiling up at Harry as I introduce them. My mum gives the fake smile to Harry, while my dad shook his free hand sternly.

I don't understand my side of the family, why there all so hostile and negative.

" well you look lovely Aubree, I'll be seeing you later on tonight." My kosher smile taking my dad's hand guiding them both away from me.

" let's get out of here?" Harry whispers into my ear from behind me, I frown turning around to look up at him.

And I nod giving in. I always give in.

Harry smiles in return taking my hand in his pulling me out the front door with him.


I know it's really short and I'm sorry but I didn't have much time. :) xx hope you enjoy

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