Chapter 13

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I wake up in the morning with Sam still asleep, men

I turn and look at him seeing that he has his arms around me hugging me tight against his chest, it feels just.......right like this is what should have happened ages ago, this is just perfect in every way imaginable

He looks so peaceful, i dont think I can wake him


with that he shoots up  and stares at me he puts his hands up defensively then gives me a look like he will murder me

"Hey beautiful"


"How did you sleep?"


"what do you mean alright?"

"I mean you almost strangled me"

"Oops haha sorry It's just I felt I needed you close to me"

"Well I was about to say it felt nice though"

we look at eachother lovingly then I kiss him


"Just imagine something"

"Hmmmmm okay maybe a UNICORN"

"No i mean like something edible alhough unicorn is a delicacy I don't think we will be having that for breakfast"

"Haha oh right okay umm how about oh I know PANCAKES!"

I thought pancakes, pancakes, pancakes with maple syrup, sugar, cream, nutella ESPECIALLY NUTELLA I even made a song while I was thinking it 

*Pancakes, Pancakes what I lovely treat, Pancakes, Pancakes yummy to eat throw on some maple syrup throw on some cream, throw on some sugar throw on some NUTELLA pancakes, pancakes what a lovely breakfast treat!*

I didn't realise I was actually singing out loud and that I may have been thinking to much about pancakes because now there are pancakes everywhere inside the  dome oh well they will taste good

"Wow you can sing"

I start to blush because I have never sung infront of anyone before so I was a bit embarrassed

"umm thanks no one has ever listened to me sing before........."

"Well I don't see why not, if you were still a mortal you could probably go on one of them singing shows what is it ummm anyway I have been dead for a while now so I can't really remember what they are called but anyway"

"Geez thanks for crashing my dreams"

I give him a smirk and then he kisses me and yet again its perfect until we hear another rustling in the bushes we stop and take a look

theres our parents they are walking out here hand in hand and then they lean into eachother and kiss eachother


is what my brain yells



I freeze, We both freeze this can't be happening

we are rabbits caught in headlights we don't move til the last minute

I jump up and go to run but remember that the forcefield is still up and I hit it really hard and fall backward

Shit, this is t our parents will see us together know that Sam is still alive, and that I didn't tell them this is bad,really bad

But they don't do anything Sam walks up to me and says

"You imagined an invisible forcefield right"

I just nod and raise my hand out in front of me and place it in the wall of the forcefield

"So that means that everything within the forcefield is invisible, most of the time it would only be invisible to mortals but since you are a God you have gained the power to be invisible to everyone which is practically impossible for any supernatural to do, even the most experienced, and smart supernaturals have never found a way to even near this but you can do this with no problems what so ever"

This whole time I was just standing there gobsmacked with no idea what to do

"It's okay c'mon lets go"

He places his hand out to me and I take it

"now imagine the forcefield disappearing but keeping us invisible"

So I close my eyes and do just that and it must of worked because I walked right up to my mum and she didn't even flinch, which was funny at first but then I remembered that she was 'dating' Sam's dad and they were about to kiss again but anger just built up inside of me and I threw a rock and they both looked to see where it had come from, then in the dirt I wrote 'What do you think you are doing'

They looked back at eachother and shrugged but then Sam's dad saw the message and pointed it out to mum

"Look,....What is this"

"I don't know maybe it was here all along?"

"I highly doubt it"

Mum looks terrified and all of a sudden I feels so bad but it's what needed to happen 

"Let's go"

and with that they ran off, and Sam comes out from the trees


"How, I mean I am the 'supernatural God right?..."

"Right.....what are you trying to say?"

"What I am trying to say is, is that no matter what happens I can fix it all I have to do is imagine it, simple"

with that I grinned because I know that I have won


Hey lovelies

so we have found a weird and wacky side to Ashlea, so remember to vote, comment and share for more updates I love you allxxxxx

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