Chapter 1

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I felt somebody shaking my arms to wake me up, and light shone through my eyelids.
"Good morning, Abira!" My sister's smile woke me up, signing as she spoke. "Get ready for school, kiddo." She finger spelt the last word and her fingers jumbled so bad I almost thought she cursed at me. "Gee, Stacy, don't call me that!" I joked, signing and sitting up out of bed. "It's not like I meant to, kiddo! Trust me, ASL is challenging for a dyslexic teenager!" Her purple dyed hair bounced up and down as she made her excuses. "I read lips, Stacy. Sure, my ears can't hear you but my eyes can. Just talk normally, ok?" I picked up a brush as began to run it sloppily through my hair. "If you keep up that sign sass, I'll smack you." Stacy pulled her purple locks into a pony tail.

"Who's gonna drive me today?" I asked in sign. I know, normally a sixteen year old girl has her license. But my parents keep telling me that since I'm completely deaf, it's too dangerous. I always bring up to them that my best friend's parents let him drive, and he's deaf too. Usually they just say 'well that's not our thinking' and then stop looking at me. I don't get it with them. Just because I'm deaf, it means I don't have independence? What a punishment, if you ask me. "Me, duh. Don't be so thick," Stacy threw my covers together and tossed me some clothes. "You? You're going to the first day of school?" I gave her a skeptical look, putting away my tooth brush and she just laughed. "Heck no! Please, it's not like I'm going. I said I'd.... not..." I didn't catch the last part, she forgot not to talk so fast. I never get mad at her, she's really the only person who listens to me or bothers to. "So, kiddo. Gonna tell somebody off the bat your deaf this year?" I rolled my eyes and signed a curse at her. "Marco knows. That counts if you ask me."

"I didn't ask you, Abira. I asked if anybody knew. And Marco has known for the past what, four years??"

"Five, and not the point. That's one more than it use to be, isn't it grape-head?" That taunt got me a pillow to the face, and a snarky laugh. "Just pointing out that you need new friends," She applied a new layer of black lipstick "He's so weird to me. I don't like it. Lord, I hope he doesn't have a crush on me." I new taunt formed in my brain. "I for one know that he for sure doesn't." I signed, sitting next to her on my bed. "How?" I smirked. "He hates grapes."
My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I looked at my new texts. "Stacy, you don't have to take me to school today." I signed, and she gave me a confused look. "It's the first day! I gotta take you, otherwise I'll be in more trouble than I already am with mom and dad." She cringed at the thought of another grounding, even though she ignores it anyways. "I have a ride waiting for  a response, so if you could hurry this up?" I  asked, and she shrugged. "Okay, whatever," She pretended not to care and flopped herself on the couch whipping out her phone. "Okay, have fun. I'll be with Dustin today so if I go missing, I was at the park off 170th." She joked, knowing I don't like her boyfriend and I just smirked.

I can give you a lift to school if you need it Marco's text.

Sure, I just checked with Stacy she's good with it

You didn't tell her who, did you?

I didn't have to, she just assumes its you

Good thing this isnt a crazy psycho then, right?

I dunno, Marco. You can be pretty weird. I smiled as I texted him back.

It's not weird, it's a touch of character! Come out, I'm here

I waved goodbye to my sister and climbed into his Chevy truck, the engine rumbling from the feel of it. "Signing or talking?" He asked, signing to me before leaving the driveway. "What can you do best driving?" He thought a moment then smiled his dashing smile at me. I have to admit, Marco's a hottie. For some reason, I've just never been attracted to him romantically though. Most girls swoon, but to me he's just an amazing guy. I've never once thought 'oh my gosh that could be me and him one day' or something like that. It's always been 'he's my dependent friend.'

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