Chapter 57

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The clock said 11:00 when my eyes opened. Darn it!

Usually an hour was plenty of time but I take a good fifteen minutes to be fully awake, let alone start getting ready. I hopped into the shower and quickly rinsed off my hair with soap, and threw it up into a small bun on top of my head.

Clothes were the least of my worries. I grabbed a cream shirt with a black jacket and jeans. Hopefully this wedding stuff didn't need my picture. As I put on chap stick in the mirror, it hit me. Was Stacy going to invite mom and dad? I mean they were just in the planning stages. There was plenty of time for them all to make up. Right?

Then like a slap in my face, something else came into my mind. Chris. My parents were picking up my twin brother from the slammer. Well a night stay but...What had he done? Who inspired him to do what he did or was it himself? Then there was Marco.

Everything at once just came crashing down. Like an avalanche. But there was one thing keeping the snow from suffocating me. Jasper texted.

I'm pulling in! Jasper.

He'd also apparently texted me earlier but I'd been too sleepy to notice. Some just said things like, "you'd better let me buy you coffee!!" And the like. With my phone in my side purse and my purse on, I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

He was on his motorcycle, waiting. I ran and hopped on. He turned and looked at me confused as he handed me a helmet.

"Where are we going?"

Oh. Right. I handed him my phone were Stacy had texted the address of Dustin's apartment. He nodded and started up the bike.
When we pulled up, my heart had started to beat faster. I wondered what the heck she had to tell me!

"Thanks for driving," I said as we got to the door. Jasper smiled and nodded. I knocked and hoped that there was footsteps coming to the door. Dustin opened the door and smiled.

"Let me guess, Abira. The infamous Jasper?" Dustin asked with a playful smirk.

Jasper put his hand on his chest and looked at me. "Aw, she talks about me."

"I didn't say she said good things," Dustin made Jasper look confused and then smile as Dustin stuck out his hand. "Dustin."

Jasper shook his hand and Dustin invited us in. It was a nice apartment. He must've had a pretty awesome job! I kept my thoughts to myself.

As he quickly showed us around, I saw Stacy sitting on the couch. She smiled when she saw me. Her hair had turned a lot more naturally brown, and it looked wet from a shower. But she smiled at me in a way I'd never seen her smile at me. Happy but... Distressed.

I ran over without saying a word and sat next to her on the couch. She hugged me tightly.

"Could I have a minute, Jasper?" I asked. I felt like the situation was intense already.

Jasper looked concerned, looking between me and my sister. He nodded. "I'll run and get coffee for us and come back." He understood I needed just my family right now.

When Dustin came back from closing the door, he sat across from us in a chair. Stacy smiled but her lips quivered. I didn't know what to say or do.

"I texted you about the wedding," she began. As if it was already too hard for her to go on, she looked down and swallowed hard. Stacy pushed her hair behind her ears and looked back to me. "It's not exactly that." Her sentences continued to be short and not full. My own mind began to worry about her. Was she sick? Did they call off the wedding? None of those things came from her. "I had to tell my baby sister. And I know it sucks seeing your older sister like this. I totally failed you as a sibling, not being there and thinking about myself."

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