Chapter 38

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Today is the day.

I'm going to get on a plane with Jasper Runt.

This was going to be the time of my life.

And we were waiting to board right now.

"Have you ever flown before?" he asked as we waited in seats looking out the window of the airport. "Yeah but I was fairly little when I did it." I said, reminding myself of the past trips that I can barely remember.

Taking out my phone, I had to yawn when I saw the time. Midnight. I don't like staying up this late usually but this was a weekend and we wanted to get to California as early was we could. I would miss school today being a Friday but who cares, I checked with my teachers and I could easily catch up on the homework.

"Tired yet, sweet pea?" Jasper taunted my yawn as he clearly fought off one of his own. "Oh shut up," I said and gently pinched his arm. He flinched and then returned the favor. "That's our que!" The lady at the desk must've called our flight as Jasper got up and grabbed his bag as I grabbed my own suit case.

We chose just to do carry ons because one, that's way cheaper, and two it was only for the weekend. Here we go!
After our bags were secured in the upper compartment we both waited in our seats as the plane began to move across the ground. Jasper's fingers tightly gripped the armrests of his chair, and his eyes were closed. He of all people I didn't think would be afraid of flying.

Reaching my hand over to his, I wrapped my fingers in between Jasper's. His eyes flickered open, only to look at our hands for a second and then closed again. Once we were off the ground his eyes opened and his grip loosened. "Dare I say, are you afraid to fly?" I asked.

The tips of his ears went red with a threat of blushing, but covered it with a head shake. "Just taking off..." He tried to be convincing. "You can let go now," He looked down at our hands still intertwined. Sliding my hand away, his own stopped it. "If you want. You were just holding so hard I thought my fingers would pop off." His smirk came back, which it always seemed to be there.

"Trust me, I want to." I retorted and took my hand back to my own lap. Reaching under my chair I pulled out my laptop and was about to power it on, when a hand closed the lid slowly. Annoyance made me raise an eyebrow at Jasper, who shrugged. "Can't have that on until 10,000 feet. Sorry, sweet pea."

"Tsk," The noise vibrated in my throat as I slid my laptop back under my seat in it's case. "Fine then, oh wise one." I leaned my chair back slightly and Jasper looked at me skeptically. "Amuse me until I can."

"Uh, okay?" He leaned his chair back to match mine. I adjusted how I was sitting so I was fully facing him, my head resting on my arm. "What about?" He asked.

"Anything. Even something annoying, say something usually I would hate for you to say or something. I don't know just something to keep me awake." I was open to anything, I wanted to stay awake for the plane ride as long as I could. Even if it meant something that annoys me. "Got it," He licked his lips and before he talked clearly laughed a little bit. "Something that annoys you, right?"

"That's what I said. I feel a yawn coming on."

"Okay! So the thing that I remember annoys you the most is when anybody gives you a compliment. So how about pick up lines that are the corniest things ever?" His suggestion was valid, that would annoy me normally. But I was so sleep deprived that anything would make me laugh at this point.

"Before you do, tell me something. Have these dumb things ever worked on any girls?" I cocked an eyebrow in interest, while Jasper thought. "Uh yeah, surprisingly. But I mean no matter what I said what girl could resist this?" He gestured to his face and I rolled my eyes. "Me, obviously." I giggled.

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