ch. 2

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A/N: SOTD is Devil Eyes by Hippie Sabotage, my absolute favorite song.Enjoy the chapter!

lip's POV

after walking for hours on foot & Mickey chasing after me in the streets, I found myself in bed with Karen.

I sigh and put my clothes on & let Karen sleep when her mom Sheila came calling my name & Karen's.

"Karen! Lip! I made some blueberry pancakes downstairs! They're getting cold!"

I rub my eyes & walk out the room when I realized I was still in my boxers.

I quickly went back & put my jeans on & close the door quietly when I hear a voice croak my name.


"Yeah? Listen, I uh, gotta get going now. Your mom made pancakes though. So uh, I'll see you later." I say, kissing her cheek.

I hurry downstairs & go towards the door to see Sheila trying her hardest to go outside.

Sheila has this phobia of going outside, she's afraid of leaving the house because she's a germaphobe, & she doesn't wanna end up getting hurt.

She stood there, trembling, holding her tears.

"I can't do it." She whispered.

"Here," I say, calming her down & taking her to the couch, giving her meds. Felt bad for the woman. She left the house since Karen was born.

"I'm gonna get going now, Fiona needs me, so-"

"What? No, Lip I made some blueberry pancakes, please eat before you leave."

I walk over & sit down, eating the pancake, when. Karen comes down the steps.

"Hey, did you ever hear from Professor Youens?" She ask.

Professor Youens works at Chicago university. I met a few weeks ago after getting caught for doing someone's SAT exam.

"You're a smart kid, Lip. But don't pull that shit again. For someone with a 4.6 GPA, I'm uh, not surprised to see someone like you doing this." He said to me.

He's been wanting to enroll me in, but my future plans had no intentions of going to college. It was too much for me. My family's already going through financial issues.

"No, I haven't. Why?"

"No reason. I thought that since he seemed to like you & wanted to get you in, we could check out the campus & the labs & all that."

"You really wanna go?" I ask.

"Don't you wanna go to college?"

"Fuck no, but if we go, maybe we can steal some sweatshirts from the downstairs gift shop." I wink, making her laugh.

She nods and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear as she put her coat on.

I get up & slip on my beanie & head out the door with her.

fiona's POV

"Fiona? When's Lip coming home?" Debbie asked.

I sighed, "I don't know yet, we'll just have to wait & s-"

wreckless. // lip gallagher Where stories live. Discover now