San Francisco, CA, USA

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San Francisco, California, USA

"They're absolutely perfect in every way, but completely unrealistic, I would never be able to build this, it's virtually impossible." The small man stuttered as he slid from his desk on his three wheeled standard office chair and towards another table cluttered with various papers and blue prints. "It would never work, no matter what great minds you can get to help us, the technology we have available to us just isn't ready for something like this, it's just to advanced." He shrugged and looked at his menacing Boss fearfully. In return all we got was a hard, flat look of disappointment and then a snarl. Not a good sign.

"Do you really believe that I will stand for this?" He walked towards the small man, still seated in his rolling desk chair, his frail glasses started to slide slowly down the bridge of his nose, with a shaking hand, the head of technology and pyrotechnics pushed them back into place, and swallowed the last of the wet contents in his now dry throat.

"I don't know what else I can really do, sir..." His eyes were glassing over, his shaking becoming extremely obvious and annoying to the man he worked for. He was brought to the establishment because he was considered the best of the best in his field of work, and because he proved he wasn't, there was no longer any need for him. Or his department for that matter.

"We're done here" His Boss, dressed completely in black, stepped closer to him once more, towering over the petite man he growled. His jet black sunglasses never moved out of place. He was an average height, but still found a way to look down on everyone that worked for him. He turned and started towards the door, "Tommy, Anderson, deal with him." The two incredibly large, muscular men walked passed their Boss and into the room, shutting the door behind them. While his two most trusted hands were taking care of one of his many useless employees, the Boss strolled down a long windowless, door less hall, then he turned into a room full of chattering, less- useless workers. He stepped around to the head of the table and moved his glasses to rest on his sleek gelled back hair, making everyone fall silent. "Unfortunately, project one has hit a bit of a dead end and Mr. Beck will no longer be working with us." Just as he finished his sentence a toe curling scream made it's was down the hall and echoing off the walls from computer lab three. The workers sat up a little straighter, all becoming more and more fearful. He smiled to himself about the effect he had over his employees. "So we shall begin project two, I trust that you all should have a place to start, now, off you go." The workers all stood from their chairs not bothering to tuck them in, ran from the room and down the hall with out uttering a word. Their Boss scared them, luckily they knew what to do, and as soon as they reached their respected labs (four and six) they went straight to work. Project two had been in progress for many years, operating in the background, allowing project one to take presidence. Now that one had failed, the team responsible for making sure that two was always a fall back option had become the ones with their heads on the chopping block. Although they were finally about to be noticed and credited for there long and tedious work, should this fail as the other did, it would be one or all of them screaming with their last breaths in computer labs four and six at the hands of the menacing Tommy and Anderson. The only noise that could be heard was the hard, fast tapping of keys on the keyboard and the heavy breathing for the few extremely nervous persons. They knew what had to be done, roles had been assigened a long while back, facilities were in place, all that was left to do was to make sure that the new arrivals, the key to plan two, arrived soon. They would not fail. They would not allow themselves to falter as Beck did. Project two commences now.

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