A Way To Shock, Jesse...

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(If this sounds confusing, comment and I'll explain it clearly...)

Lukas'/Luke's POV.

"One-shot this girl and Lukas stays guilty forever."

As my hand was swinging down the axe, it stopped midway. I tried to swing again, but ny hand was just...stuck there.



Lukas?! Is that you? How are you conscious when I'm around...?

Ha, maybe you could say that I can finally get some control of you.

Lukas took over my hand and flew the axe backwards, hitting the wall with a big bang!. Then the wall broke and a giant hole was in the wall.

Jesse woke up and looked at me, terrified. She should be. She's gonna die any minute...

Stop this Luke!

Lukas was ordering my right arm and was punching me. It looked like I was punching myself. But I tried to fight back by using my free hand.

(Ok Lukas' POV is too weird lemme switch to Jesse's POV...)

Jesse's POV.

I woke up with the sound of...bang? Lukas was standing there, then he started punching himself. What...

"Jesse? What's going on?!" Petra exclaimed. She and Ivor were awake.

"I can hold him back! Go and get help!"

They nodded and went out of the room. I focused on Lukas and tried to think of a way to stop him from hurting himself.

But when I payed close attention, I saw it. One of his eyes were reddish-yellowish. Looks like it's slowly turning yellow instead of red now. He's having more similarities with the White Pumpkin...

"Lukas? What are you..." I tried to get close to him, but his expression told me to stay away. Then he turned dark again. This is so confusing.

All of a sudden, it hit me.

Lukas and his devil side must be battling against this body now.

"Hang on Lukas! I'll settle this devil-jerk in a slash!"

I raised my sword to hit him, but he dodged it.

"Can't...hurt me...if you do, you hurt him too..."

"What? But doesn't that mean I can't make you escape from Lukas?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Not fair! Author!"

CoolGuy142: Yesh?

"You made Luke too O.P! That way I'll never defeat him!"

CoolGuy142: Welp, try to think another way. I already have a story up ahead.

Jesse: There has to be a way!

CoolGuy142: *shrug* You'll figure it out sooner or later. Bai!

"Je-sse, do something...." Lukas pleaded.

I couldn't think of anything. If I can't hit Luke, how am I going to drive him out of Lukas?

Or maybe....I could shock him out...one way.

But it's too risky. Meh, whatever. I'll just have to try.

"DIE, YOU LITTLE ANNOYING GIRL." Luke yelled as he charged to attack.

I swiftly dodged it, did a roll on the ground and got closer to him. Then...

I rushed and kissed him.

I think it worked! He stopped right in his tracks and dropped his sword. I deepened the kiss, to make sure Lukas returns.

Finally, the glow in his eyes were fading, returning to Lukas' old sky blue eyes.

I broke apart and blushed as he looked surprised. He must need some explanation...

"Look, Lukas...I did that so it will shock Luke and then you would be back I'm so sorry I won't do it again..."

Suddenly he grabbed me by the arm, and grinned.

"How did I not enjoy that?"

He pulled me in and our lips met again. Lukas smirked and closed his eyes to make it more romantic. To be honest, I really liked that kiss.

We heard some screams from the corridor and quickly broke apart. I saw Petra and Ivor, along with some male students gasping I'm shock.
Those students weren't asleep?!

"Well, y-you should go to sleep. See ya tomorrow Lukas." I said and jumped into bed.

Oh. My. God.

Does Lukas like me?

Lukas' POV.

I can't believe I just did that.

She was just so brave and beautiful, I couldn't hold it back...

I hope Jesse doesn't think I'm some perverted killer or something...

When it was morning, everyone was gone. Probably went out to hunt for food, since we don't really have much left.

I washed up and went oit of the room to go outside. On my way I bumped into Ivor who was walking down the hallway.

"Hey Ivor." I greeted.

"Oh, you back, Lukas? I mean, not some crazy killer right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it's me, Lukas. You and Petra were awake right?"

Suddenly I remembered. They were looking at me and Jesse back then, weren't they? GREAT.

"Saw everything. You and Jesse have been getting close, real close..." He hit me in the arm and smirked. "Hitting on her? I hope so."

I got red and punched him back. "No! I...I just..."

"Saw her so beautiful and awesome, couldn't hold it back?" He winked. This man knows me!

"Well, better get going. We're meeting with the principal of the school to find a way back." Ivor said and walked off.

I decided to stay outside for a while before meeting with the principal. Then I saw Drake roaming around.

"Drake?" I said, a little loud.

"Oh, hey Lukas!" He waved and walked over. Suddenly his expression turned dark. "I heard you're meeting our master of this school."

"Yeah...by the way, I wanted to ask. Why won't you let us ask him the way to go back to our world?"

He placed his hands at the back of hus head and stared at the giant tree in front of us. "Well, you see, this world has limited amounts of people. And since this school is like, the best, our principal is in charge of everything. No government, no nothing. He is the head."

"And so that's why he wants to keep as much people here as possible. Even if it resorts to....murder." He finished. Then he looked at me. "But I understand that you want to go home. If it's not a bother, may I help?"

"I don't know what the others will think, but I'm glad to welcome you to our team." I said, patting him on the back.

We chatted for a while and went back into the school, and saw Ivor running towards us with flying arms.

"Lukas! Guy! We have a problem! We explained our situation to the principal, he got mad, and now he's kidnapped Petra and Jesse!"

(Is it cliché? ^)

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