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  • Dedicated to my sister

??? Point of View

I can't keep a baby. If Eric found out he'd do so many experiments on her she'd die. I'd leave her with Charles but I don't think he'd be so happy that I did. I can't leave her with the boys they don't know how to take care of a baby. I could leave her with SHEILD but that would end in death too. Could I leave her with Stark??? No, she might get accidentally blown to pieces during a project of his. I cant leave her to an orphanage. They wouldn't know what to do once she gained access to her abilities. I just don't know where to leave my angel.... Wait that's it!!!

----------------------------------------3 hours later------------------------------------

I'm now standing in front of a nice two story house no one's home at this moment so I picked up her basket and set it on the front porch. I forgot to leave a note with her information. So I shifted into an owl and flew into an open window on the second floor. Once I landed I shifted back into my human self and started trying to find a piece of paper and pen. Once I did I started writing, "She's less than a day old. She going to have abilities later in life. I'm not sure what kind. Whatever abilities she has are going to be much stronger than her for the first year or so. Please help her control them. She was last fed at 6:30 p.m. So she'll need to be fed soon. Please take care of my angel for me." Once I got finished I put the note in my mouth and shifted into an owl and put it on her. Then I flew off not looking back.

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