It was Thursday afternoon, and I had just got back from looking at houses for my dad. Tomorrow I got to see Morgan again, Morgan had already called this morning and he said he would pick me up at around 2:00. I smiled at thought.
"Ahhh I was so full from the chicken soup I ate but it was delicious!" I thought as i washed dishes and the Notebook played in the background on my tv. I still hadn't earned up enough money for cable yet so I was watching movies.
Why couldn't guys like Noah exist. The way he just adored Allie, the way he never gave up on her after seven years.
("I want all of you, everyday, you and me, together") I heard Noah say.
I intensely stared at the screen in amazement. (This was one of my favorite parts..)
I chuckled at the fact that even though this relationship was beautiful, it was all fake.. "Well at least all my relationships have been" I thought to myself with a sarcastic grin.
"That was what I wanted, a long and serious relationship where no matter how long, or how hard it was, we loved each other enough too stick through it.
But what girl didn't want that, I thought to myself.
"Oh I'm so tired of working!" I said with a sigh as a plopped my body down on the couch.
Rubbing my neck to release stress, my phone rang. (Ring.....Ring......Ring). It was my dad.
"Speak of the devil." I said to myself before answering the phone.
"Hey dad." I said.
"How's it going sport?" My dad asked.
"It's all pretty much the same." I said with a slight frown.
"Are you still homesick?" He asked.
Trying to prove to be the little miss adult I thought I was, I quickly denied him.
"Dad I'm not homesick...Im having fun, it just takes some time to adjust.. And besides I....... I sorta met someone" I said in a nervous voice while waiting for my dads response.
"You met someone? Well I hope this wont get in the way of work. Will it?" my dad said with a sceptic tone of voice.
"Dad...come on, your not even going to ask who? All you can think about is work" I said.
"Caylin if it wasn't for work you wouldn't be there.... So who is this gentleman?" My dad FINALLY asked.
"His name is Morgan...... Morgan Devane, He's my neighbor. He took me to this beautiful place called Pacific Point and it was so amazing, were going back out tomorrow and I can't wait." I said with excitement.
"Caylin you have to work tomorrow, dont you remember?..." He said.
"What? Dad I thought I had tomorrow off, what im I supposed to tell morgan? I said with a long sigh.
"Well if he's half as good as you say he is, then he will understand. Your not getting out of work Caylin.." He said.
"Huuuuhh okkayy, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow" I said.
"Ok see ya later sport." my dad said.
"Bye dad" I said with a depressed voice as I hung up the phone.
"Oh great, now I have to delay Morgan." I thought to myself.
I waited for Morgan to return home from work, and I was soon walking towards his house with a bit of butterflies in my stomatch.

Golden Tip Poco (Harry styles)
Fanfiction"When a small town girl moves to a island far away, she soon realizes that It could all be a mistake. She ends up meeting someone quite special in the process......"