Chapter 8. The Party

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It was saturday afternoon and it had been a lazy day, due to being in alot of pain from my leg. After watching a couple of movies, it was time to get ready for the party tonight. I had texted back Aria earler and told her what had happend, but that I was still coming to the party tonight.

I showered, curled my hair and put on some makeup. I picked out some black skinny jeans a frilly tank top and a sweater, out of my closet. I didn't want to overdress and after all I still had to use crutches.

I carefully got into my jeep throwing my crutches into the back, It was already 5:30 and I had to be at the party at 6:00.

After driving for about 20 minutes, I finally saw the Beachcomber Hotel. It was a five star luxury hotel. It had a tan exterior and was 20 stories high.

After finding a parking place around all the mercedes, porsche's and BMW's, I realized what kind of people were going to be here and that I probably wouldn't fit in with my black skinny jeans and sweater.

I was greeted at the door by a middle aged doorman wearing a tuxedo.

"How are you this evening miss?" asked the doorman.

"Good, how are you?" I asked.

"Fine, thanks for asking," said the doorman as he opened the door for me.

I walked in to see a big ball room hotel lobby with a crowd of men dressed in tuxedo's and women wearing dresses. The interior of the hotel was painted a golden color and a big glass chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling. Music played in the background as people mingled and fake smiles were flashed on everyones faces, while they held glasses of wine and champange. There was a long table with food for every kind of taste buds and a wine bar. (Even though I dont drink.)

"Whelp, like I thought, I underdressed for the occasion," I thought to myself as I got dirty stares.

I awkwardly walked around with my big crutches trying to find Aria, and occasionly tried to talk to some of the people there, After a little bit, I decided to go into another side room of the lobby to see if I could find her there.

I walked into the room and finally saw Aria in the corner of the room talking to a tall man with black hair. I waited for her to get done talking to him before I walked overthere, because I didn't want to be rude and interupt their conversation. He finally left, so I walked to Aria and said...


"Hey, you made it! What took you so long?" asked Aria.

"Ive been here for like fifteen minutes trying to find you, its your fault!" I jokenly said.

"Hahaha... How's it my fault?" asked Aria.

"Because you've been over here hiding the whole time," I said with a smile.

"Does it still hurt?" asked Aria.

"What......? Oh sorry! My leg, right.... Yeah, It's mainly when I try to stand up on it after sitting down for awhile," I said.

"Have you talked to anyone yet?" asked Aria.

"Uhh yeah I tried, but no luck really. No one is really taking the whole (crutches) thing too seriously," I said with a smile.

"Yeah, people around here are pretty serious." said Aria with a smile on her face.

"Hey, there's someone I want you to meet, he's a investor, and he's a really nice guy. You stay here while I'll go try to find him," said Aria with a devious smile.

"What? Your leaving me here alone, Aria!" I said as she walked away.

I had been standing there for maybe five minutes, when it felt as though someone was staring at me from behind.

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