1 beginning

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"Y/n the principal wants to see you in his office" my teacher said I grabbed my things and headed to the principal office. I knocked on the door "come in" the principal said "what's good Mr. Rise" I said "sup take a seat" he said pointing to the chair I put my stuff down and sat on the chair, me and Mr. Rise are chill

"y/n we all know you are the best student here in Beach Town High School, you have the highest GPA from all the students, you work har-" "Mr. Rise where are you going with this" I cut him off "I need you to help Grayson Dolan raise his grades by the end of the year, so you need to hang out with him" he said "WHAT that's like impossible how am I suppose to do that" I said "think of it as an assignment" he said I gave him a are you serious look "y/n you know my goal is to have all students have a successfully life and Grayson has all F's" he said "what do I get out of this" I asked "I will give you all recommendation and a scholarship to any college you want to go to" he said "fine" I said "also he has to live with you" he said hiding his face knowing I would yell at him "WHAT I ALREADY HAVE HIM IN 3 OF MY CLASSES I ALSO HAVE HIS AS A NEIG-" I got cut off by someone walking in the office

It was none other than Grayson Bailey Dolan known as the school's biggest wannabe bad boy. "You needed me" he said annoyed "there is something called knocking" Mr. Rise said Grayson went to the door and knocked "better.. now what do you need" he asked "this is your guidance y/n" Mr. Rise said pointing to me "sorry i work alone" he said "I will let you skip your next 4 weeks of detention" he said 4 weeks? What did he do to have 4 weeks of detention "OK deal" Grayson said smirking the bell for lunch rang "treat me like a game and I'll show you how to play it better" I said hitting my shoulder against his "y/n where are you going" Mr. Rise said "lunch" I said in a duh voice and left "where are you going cutie" I heard Grayson voice trail behind me "what do you want" I asked "you are suppose to be with me all the time" he said "what nnoooo" I moaned "save that you are going to need it later" he said winking I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

I headed to the school exit "where are you going lunch is that way" Grayson said "for me lunch is that way" I said pointing to the door. I walked to Chipotle "you eat here" Grayson said "yes Mr. Rise let's me" I said "wow you must his favorite goody goody" he said. I ordered my burrito and started eating it "wow other girls will scared to eat like that" he said "well I'm starving" I said.

"MOM DAD I'M HOME" I yelled "in the kitchen" my mom yelled back "so I heard about the boy that will be staying here" my mom said "he is SOO annoying" I said "when is he coming" she asked "I have to pick him up" I said "looks like you can't walk around the house with your underwear and tank top" my mom said yes I do walk around the house with my underwear and tank top "babe we need to leave" my dad yelled "sorry honey me and your dad is going on a business trip" she said kissing my forehead "when are going to be back" I asked "we don't know" my mom said "y/n you know the rules ok and I love you" my dad said "I love you too dad" I said kissing his cheek "wait one more thing" he said he put me over his shoulder "dad what are you doing" I asked laughing "just checking my strength" he said "dad I'm not 5 anymore I'm 16" I said "you grow up too fast" he said.

After they left I headed to Grayson house he lives 5 houses away. I was about to knocked when his door just opened "Grayson" I yelled nothing I yell his name again nothing I start looking for his room. I opened and his door and wished I didn't see what I saw "sorry sorry" I said covering my eyes "what are you doing here" Grayson asked "I'm picking you up" I said still covering my eyes "bags are right there put them in my car I will he right there" he said. I grabbed his bags and put them in his car, I sat in the passage seat waiting for him for about half an hour. What is he doing with the girl in there? Actually nevermind. I was getting impatient so I started honking the car horn. Finally he comes "what is your problem" he said getting in the car "my problem is you" I said.

We drove to my house "dang y/n I didn't know you lived here" he said "my parents are business owners" I said. I grab some of his bags and put them in his room "woah I didn't know you had a pool and a hot tub this place will make a sick party" he said "do not think about it" I said. I sat on the kitchen counter doing my homework while Grayson was laughing at something on his phone.

After I was done with homework I grab Grayson homework and I set it Infront of him "do your homework" I said "no I'm good" he said "what do I have to do to make you do your homework" I asked he smirked right away I knew what he was going to say "it can not be anything like that" I said "makeover" he said "what" I asked "I don't want to be seen around a nerd so if I do my homework I get to give you a makeover" he said "fine if it gets you to do your homework" I said.

I saw Grayson struggling with his homework "need help" I asked he nodded "ok so first you have subtract 65x" I said he put his arm around me but I ignored it "which is 86 and you carry 2 over the 4" I said he moved to his lap but I ignored it I kept on explaining the math problem he moved my hair back from my left shoulder and rested his chin on it and wrapped his arms around my waist "and that's how you get the answer" I said turning my face to him. I kid you not our faces were an inch apart. He started to lean in but I moved my head to his homework so he headed my kissing my hair.

I helped with the rest of his homework, we got all his homework done from last month and this month we made progress. The whole time I was siting on his lap while I explained things he would rest his chin on my shoulder I don't know why but I didn't want to move form the position

 The whole time I was siting on his lap while I explained things he would rest his chin on my shoulder I don't know why but I didn't want to move form the position

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How Grayson looks in this book credits to daddolan on Instagram SHE SLAYS

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