Eydis' Story

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Back on Berk Eydis sat in the Great Hall. Fishlegs had brought her some food and water. Now she sat scarfing it down like no tomorrow, Eydis had never ate anything as one of Bard's salve. "This is really good Mr. Ingerman, "Eydis wiped off the Cabbage Soup that had spilled onto her chin.

"I'm glad that you like it," Fishlegs smiled as he sat down next to her, "But you can just call me Fishlegs."

"Umm..okay," Eydis sipped some Yak milk then sat the mug back down, "So...uh Fishlegs. How long have your people been friends with dragons?"

"Only three years," Fishlegs happily explained, "And we would have never settled our differences if it wasn't for Hiccup."

"Astrid talked about him," Eydis spun around in her seat and faced Fishlegs, "She said that he's very brave."

"Anyone that can befriend a Night Fury is brave," Fishlegs chuckled, "It's one of the toughest dragons around."

"I've heard rumors about Night Furies," Eydis swung her feet, "My home is isolated from the rest of the world so any rumors we may hear we'll tend to believe. Are Night Furies really black as night and have six rows of razor sharp teeth?"

"I'm afraid that you've gotten your dragons mixed up, "Fishlegs chuckled, "It's the Whispering Death that have the six rows of teeth. You rode here on a Night Fury Eydis."

"That was a Night Fury!?" Eydis gasped, "They look nothing like the rumors said."

"Not every rumor is true. Now, if you want to know more about Night Furies then let me take you the Book of Dragons," Fishlegs stood. He left for only a moment before he returned with a large book. "This is the Book of Dragons," Fishlegs place the book next to Eydis' food, "It contains everything we know about every dragon we know of-at least we hope."

"Cool!" Eydis awed. She set aside her food and opened the book. Drawings of different dragons popped out at her. They were dragons of every size, shape, and color. Eydis continued to flip through the pages. "Uh...why are somethings marked out?" she asked.

"Beforehand this book was to help us kill dragons," Fishlegs explained, "Most of the dragons in this book were under the category "Extremely dangerous, kill on sight". The only dragon that wasn't in that was the Night Fury but that was because we knew so little about it until Hiccup trained Toothless. The Night Fury was once known as 'the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself' yet now we know that Toothless is like a big puppy dog at times."

"Wow," Eydis giggled as she read a page on the Deadly Nadder, "Why do some of the ink look fresher than others?"

"That's because over the three years we've explored new areas and discovered new dragons," Fishlegs smiled as he remembered the adventures but the smile quickly faded once he remembered how many times he was almost killed on said adventures.

"I've trained a dragon, "Eydis boasted, "Astrid taught me how! We were going to use those dragons to fly away and never go back to Bard but he knew that we were going to try and escape."

"That must of been a scary time for you," Fishlegs could only guess what this Bard person put such a young girl through.

"Eh, it was scary but Astrid and Ailsa were there to make things better," Eydis smiled.


"Yea, she's the other girl that Bards errand boy "bought" along with us," Eydis explained, "She has a really pretty accent."

"I beat she does, "Fishlegs checked Eydis' food bowl and mug. He took them and returned with some more food and Yak milk; he wanted to make sure that Eydis was getting all the nutrition she could get, "So Eydis, why not tell me where you live. You said that your home was isolated from the rest of the world?"

"It is," Eydis took a bite of cooked fish, chewed it, and swallowed, "My people live way up north. So north that it's winter for most of the year."

"Wow," Fishlegs thanked the Gods that it wasn't almost always winter here on Berk, "That's way up there."

"Hmm," Eydis agreed by nodding her head, "We're so far north that we rarely ever see any people or dragons. Any that we do see are usually pretty mean. That's why
I'm not to fond of dragons myself."

"If your so far north then how these Dragon Hunters get you?" Fishlegs hoped that he didn't step over any lines by asking that question.

"I'm not sure," Eydis admitted, " I was out learning how to fish from my daddy when they appeared out of nowhere. They destroyed the boat and left my daddy to die in the sea." Eydis noticed a wet sting in her eyes. She wiped away the tears, "I hope someone found my daddy."

"I'm sure that someone found him," Fishlegs smiled reassuringly, "And who knows, we might find him drifting out at sea while we're bringing you back home. He'll be so happy to see you."

"Yea, he will," Eydis smiled. She turned and hugged Fishlegs; he received it warmly.

"So...what dragon did you train?" Fishlegs asked after they released from their hug.

Eydis scanned the room; hoping to see another of that dragon species, "Uhh...that one." She pointed to Meatlug; who was happily trotting over to them.

"You trained a Gronckle!?" Fishlges squealed, "That's my dragon! I know everything about them!"

"You do?" Eydis' eyes widen with curiosity, "Well...I trained that dragon because it was the only one in the room that didn't very scary."

"Oh ho ho," Fishlegs grinned from ear to ear, "There's a lot about the Gronckle you should know. Want me to teach you?"

"Sure!" Eydis jumped up, "But...my Gronckle is back with Bard. What if I never see her again?"

"Oh don't worry, "Fishlegs stood up, "When they go to rescue Astrid they'll free all of the dragons there. Your Gronckle will probably come back with them here."

"Awesome!" Eydis beamed, "So, what things about the Gronckle should I know?"

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