I'll Make a Fine Soldier Out of You!

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Hiccup pressed his body against the cold bars of his cell, he had been trying anything he could think of to trick the guard into giving him the keys. But it was apparent that the guard wasn't as dumb as Hiccup first thought. Beforehand Hiccup had rammed the locked cell door, hoping to force it open, but he soon had to stop once he noticed a small trail of blood trickling down the side of his face from a minor wound that had formed from the act. Hiccup had lost track of how many days they had been at sea but he did know that the boat has traversed through a mild storm a few hours earlier.

It was quiet, to quiet. Nothing but the sound of creaking wood and moving water echoed somewhat ominously as the time ticked away slowly. It remind Hiccup of the times were he was left alone while Toothless went out to catch some food. He was alone with thoughts, something Hiccup had grown to fear for the five years he had spent away from human civilization. Because with thoughts came memories; tagging along as if it was a lost puppy. Hiccup didn't want to remember those nights; he had done his best to learn from them and move on stronger, much to the help of Astrid.

Astrid...Hiccup could vividly picture the times that they spent together over the past three years: racing each other, pranking one another, and watching the stars fall from Valhalla and dance in the night sky. Hiccup worried heavily for her, for what that man had said never left his head; She'll make a fine slave for him. Only Thor know what he meant but Hiccup didn't care who his "Bard" was. If he ever lays a finger on Astrid he'll be sitting pretty in the stomach of a Screaming Death. Hiccup sat down, forcing himself to take slow, deep breaths-he wasn't fond of cramped spaces. He closed his eyes and listened to the silence around him, hoping to catch the whispers of the workers. They might chat about their destination; yet all he heard was the occasional mouse scurrying around. Hiccup tried one more time to undo his restraints but they remained tight.

All he could do was sit and wait, something Hiccup lacked skill in. He had always felt like he had to be doing something. Whether it was helping Berk with some squabbles between viking and dragon or learning the ropes of being a Chief from his father. "Dad...," Hiccups heart sank, "Oh he must be freaking out by now." Then a doubtful thought slipped its way into Hiccups head; Am I even good enough to be Chief?  Hiccup knew that his father couldn't keep going forever but deep down a part of him felt as if he couldn't live up to the legacy that Stoick had made. Am I even sane enough? That was the true cause of the doubt. Though Hiccups "condition" had been improving there were times where he thought that he was slip and fall all the back to square one.

Hiccup stared up at the ceiling with tired eyes, Why did this have to happen? Don't I have enough nightmares already? And then Hiccup started to grow more and more tired. Eventually, he couldn't fight it and let himself drift off into sleep.


"Get up!" a large, hairy hand slapped across Hiccups face, startling him awake. His vision barely had time to focus before he was roughly yanked up by his left arm. Hiccup was forced from the cell and shoved up to the deck, the bright sun nearly blinding him. Hiccup checked his restraints; still tight as ever. Shaking off the last bit of sleep Hiccup stood stunned at what was before him. A massive fort, with walls that were at least three hundred feet tall, sat embedded in the mountain side of the island they were approaching. Instead of wood the walls were made by dark colored stone that shinned when the light touched it. Watch towers sat at the end of each corner and thin smoke rose up from within. Hiccup was amazed by the sight but in the pit of his stomach he knew that whatever was behind those walls will be trapped in his mind for the rest of his life. However long he was going to be here was going to be Hell.

  "Enough gawking!" one of the men shoved Hiccup over to the side of the boat. Heavily armed men stood menacingly on the tiny deck a few meters ahead of them. They don't friendly, Hiccup thought sarcastically.  The boat docked and a sturdy plank of wood was lowered. The men pushed Hiccup across it and into the arms of armed men. The two groups of men stared at each other before one one the boat spoke up, "Uh, I believe that we'll be taking the money now." The armed men glanced at each other then one of them reluctantly and roughly threw the sack of coins onto the floor of the boat.

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