Into the Storm

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Thunder boomed. The sea water danced violently with the raging rain. The sky was covered by clouds that were as black as a Night Fury. It all happened so quickly. Even with his top notch precision Stormy was still unprepared for those darts.


Shadows ran among the trees. Their smell wafted through the air, making Stormy that more intense. Their scent was mixed with dirt, natural human stink, and dragon blood. He had to protect Astrid, it was natural instinct. Stormy spotted one of the shadows. He raised his tail, read to fling his spines. But in a split second he felt a sharp sting in the side of his chest. Then everything began to get blurry. His head was getting fuzzy and his limbs started to go numb. Stormy felt his body drop like a rock. Stormy faintly heard Astrid shout his name. He blinked and barely saw her outline as she ran over to him. Then he was out.


Ugh. My head, Stormy groaned as conscientiousness faded back in. 'Wa-Where am I?" Stormy let his vision slowly return and the pounding in his head to stop before he looked around. 'Toothless!' he gasped as he spotted his friend in a cage next to him, 'Don't worry! I'll get you out!' Stormy shot up but banged his head on cold metal. He was in a cage as wellllll 'Ow!' he wined.


"Toothless!' Stormy turned what little he could inside his cramped prison, 'Are you okay?'

'I-I think so,' Toothless blinked his eyes open, 'Where are we?'

'I dunno, ' Stormy admitted 'I just woke up.'

'You two have been captured by Viggo,' a scaly voice slithered from the darkness.

'Who was that?' Stormy didn't ask, he demanded, 'and where is Astrid!?'

'Who? Ah, nevermind. I'm in the cage over here.'

Toothless and Stormy heard clanking a few feet in front of them.

'Who's Viggo?' Toothless asked.

'A Dragon Hunter,' the strange dragon explained.

'A Dragon Hunter!' Stormy squawked.

'Shhh! Keep it down! The guards will hear,' the dragon scanned side to side to see if any humans were coming, nobody.

"Who are you?' Toothless asked.

"I have no name," the dragon sighed, "My human was killed before she could name me.'

'Why would he take us? And...where are we?' Stormy asked.

'We're in his mens base camp,' the dragon explained, 'He traps dragons and sells them on the Black Market to the highest bidder.'

'I hate people like that,' Toothless growled.

'Hiccup and Astrid will come and rescue us,' Stormy hoped.

'Hiccup and Astrid?' the dragon cocked his head in confusion, 'You mean the male and female humans I saw them bring in with you two?'

'They were caught too! Wh-Why!?' Toothless didn't know if he should angry or scared.

'I dunno if this is related or not but a week ago two male humans came here to talk to Viggo,' the dragon tried his best to remember, 'I could barely hear what they were saying but I'm sure that I heard the words: dragon and riders.'

'So...these two guys payed Viggo to kidnap us?' Stormy couldn't understand,' I mean...I can see why they'd want Toothless. He's a Night Fury. But...I'm just a Deadly Nadder. And...they're just humans.'

'Night Fury!' the dragon nearly shouted, 'Your friend is a Night Fury?'

'Yea,' Toothless sighed, 'And it's gotten Hiccup and I into a lot of trouble.'

The dragon that Toothless and Stormy had befriended was silent for a minute. But Stormy thought he heard him mumble something.

'What did you say?' Stormy asked.

'Nothing. It's just...I thought that I'd never find another brother or sister,' the dragon explained.

'Brother or sister?' Neither Tooothless or Stormy understood.

Toothless stared into the cage in which their new friend was in. He couldn't see the dragon inside, 'What do yo-wait. Are you a-'

"Quiet down you useless reptiles!" an unhappy guard screamed at the squawking dragons, "Stop barking and I'll think about feeding you!"

"I hate these humans!' the one dragon from far away shouted.

"Hush up you!" the man shouted back as if he understood.

'There!' the dragon pointed out to the man, 'He has the keys!'

'I got this,' Stormy said confidently. The still very young dragon flopped to floor of his cage. He rolled around, squawked, and squealed. "Oh! I'm dying! I'm DYING! I knew I shouldn't of ate that Eel!'

'Is he serious?' the dragon asked Toothless.

'Sadly,' Toothless sighed.

"Hey! I said shut up!" The human stomped over to Stormys cage and eyed the "dying" beast.

'Oh! Oh! I think I see the lig-' then Stormy dropped, pretending to have died.

The man gasped and quickly grasped his keys. "Viggo is not going to like this," the man unlocked the cage and swung open the door. At that moment Stormy shot up and blasted out of the cage. He shored higher and higher.

"Somebody shoot that dragon down!" the man yelled to his comrades.

'Stormy!' Toothless shouted.

'Don't worry man,' Stormy yelled back, 'I'll go get Berk.'

'YOUR JUST LEAVING ME HERE!?' Toothless couldn't believe it! Well...he can't fly without understood. "Wait! Would you even know your way back!? I may not be here when you return!'

'Don't worry!' Stormy chuckled, 'Destiny will always find a way!' Stormy continued to fly further and further away. But then that sting pain had return. He was shot! Stormy lost all control of his movements and his vision began to blur. Fight it! I...need to keep going! Astrid! Stormy pushed the thoughts into his hazy mind. He regained control and continued to fly while fighting whatever was in the dart.


Stormy fought through the pain and continued flying. He had lost his way a while ago. He didn't know where he was or how far form Berk he was. All he knew was that he had to keep flying.

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