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3 years later

"oh my goodness, put that back!"

yoongi yelled at jimin playfully.

the two ran in their one story house.


jimin swerved around the corner of the hallway, entering their shared room.

yoongi  followed closely and pushed him onto the bed.

they both giggled loudly.

"go put that back where it belongs, you bad boy."


jimin laughs louder and holds the teddy bear above his head.

yoongi begins to tickle him, causing him to let go of the teddy bear.

yoongi fell on top of jimin and smiled, jimin pouting.

"i let go of the teddy bear."

"i know."

yoongi pecked his lips and grinned.

"aish, you're making me blush."

"good, that was my goal."

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