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1 year later

"turn on the emergency signal, yoongi!"

the two were driving in the ridiculous rain, a horrible thunderstorm.

yoongi had completely blocked out jimin, having his own problems.

"stop the car!" jimin yelled.

yoongi wasn't even grasping the wheel; he was having an anxiety attack.

jimin reached over and pressed the brake with his hand, stopping the car abruptly.

jimin pulled yoongi into a hug, "we're gonna okay, we're gonna be okay."

the sound of the rain hitting the car was almost like the sound of waves crashing against a ship.

yoongi shook violently in jimin's arms.

"i can't do this; it's too enclosed in here. i have to get out."

"no, stay in here, you'll be fine. damn it, i should've brought your medicine."

yoongi pushed jimin off to the door and pressed the pedal: causing the car to start up again.

"yoongi!" jimin tried to move closer but he accidentally pressed the unlock button when yoongi pushed him again.

he opened the door and rolled out.

he stood and ran after car, watching as it spiraled into traffic.

"yoongi! please, no stop, press the fucking brake!"

he screamed at the top of his lungs at the car, reaching its tail.

he ran to the door and found his way back in, jumping onto yoongi just as a car at full speed, crashed into them.

"i love you."

and the world went black.


2 months later

jimin woke up in the hospital bed and sat up immediately.

bad decision.

the doctors walked in and clapped.

"ahh, you're awake."

"what happened?"

"you and your friend were in a bad accident. left you in a coma; you woke up earlier than we expected."

jimin remembered the time vents of that day.

the rain.

the car.

the anxiety.


"and m-my friend? where is he?"

the doctor looked at him with sad eyes.

"h-he died on the way here."

"no, he didn't."

jimin stood and fell with teary eyes.

he ran out as fast as he could to the receptionist's desk.

"where's min yoongi's room!"

"jimin! back to the room!"

"tell me where he is!"

two doctors came and pulled jimin away, as he screamed for yoongi to come back

yoongi. come back. to me. please.

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