Chapter 1:The Beginning

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You walked through the abandoned streets of what used to be Shibuya, Japan. You had come on patrol with Goshi, Sayuri, Shigure, and Mito. Guren was stuck behind the walls with the class for the future military privates. You were glad he hadn't come along, because you weren't sure how the patrol would have gone if he had come along to lead the expedition.

Things were quiet and you didn't like it that much. Normally when things were quiet, it meant the vampires were planning something. You shook your head, your (H/C) hair swinging behind you in (Y/F/H/S). Sayuri looked at you with a smile and leaned over. "Is (y/n)-chan contemplating things again?" She whispered. You looked at your friend and giggled slightly. "Sure Sayuri-san. If that's what you want to think I'm doing. I'm just doing my job correctly." Mito laughed. "That can't be true. The infamous (y/n) (l/n), doing her job?" She said teasingly. You punched the red haired girl's shoulder playfully. "Yes, Mito-chan. What else would I be doing in this empty place?"

Mito shrugged, but her smile was evident. "It's hard to tell with you." You rolled your eyes. Shigure watched on quietly. She never was that much of a talker, but you enjoyed hanging out with the kunai wielder because of her close ties to the Lieutenant Colonel. Goshi on the other hand, kind of annoyed you. He was a pervert and a bit of a loud mouth. Speaking of-"You girls are so sexy when you laugh." The man said with a chuckle.

You looked at him. "How you haven't been killed yet, I have no idea." You said sassily. Goshi chuckled lightly. "I can't help my right to live." He said. Shigure looked at the man with her blank expression. "Your right might be revoked if you keep up with your perverted comments." She said evenly. The blond raised his hands in a defensive position. "My apologies. My comments are just part of my nature." He said. Shigure looked away and ahead of her.

You smiled at the short ravenette. "Nice job Shigure! It's like Goshi is afraid of you!" You whispered. "Of course he's afraid of me. He knows that if he steps over the line, I will cut his head off." The female agreed. Mito and Sayuri smiled and giggled. All of the sudden, the banter was cut off as a monstrous noise pierced the air. "Four Horsemen of John!" Mito called.

The group readied their weapons and waited for the huge creature to emerge. There was crashing on the right side, near Sayuri. "Sayuri, look out!" You called as the monster burst through a building. You ran and grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her away to shield her from debris from the building. Pieces of glass cut your skin and you closed an eye in pain. "(Y/N)!" Sayuri called in fear.

You smiled at the girl as a piece of stone came hurtling at you. "I'm alright, Sayuri-san." "(Y/N), look out!" Mito shouted, pointing at the stone. You turned around and cut the stone into pieces with your sword. Parts of the stone smacked you in the face and arms, leaving bruises.

Shigure walked up to you, examining the wounds. "Are you alright?" She asked. "I will be for now. We need to get rid of this four Horsemen of John." You reported. Shigure nodded and looked at Mito. Mito nodded silently. "Assume position and attack the monster!" She shouted as the group complied.

Shigure readied her kunai and Mito raised her fists. Sayuri readied her sword and Goshi got out his pipe. You readied your sword. "One person on the right and another on the left. Cut off it's legs." Mito commanded. You and Sayuri looked at each other and nodded. You two split up and ran at the creatures from different sides, cutting off each leg quickly and swiftly.

Shigure held the strings of her kunai close and when the two of you were out of distance, she threw her hands out and sent the kunai flying. They cut the monster in multiple places, but didn't finish it off. Mito noticed and ran at it, smashing the creature's face in with her gauntlet Cursed Gear.

You and Sayuri sheathed your swords and walked over to the other three with smiles. "It seems that went well!" Sayuri said. "It did." You agreed. Goshi smiled obnoxiously. Shigure and Mito nodded. Shigure had the smallest hint of a smile, but Mito was fully smiling.

"It seems we're done here. Let's head back and report to Guren." Mito said. The group nodded and started walking. Sayuri looked at you with a hint of worry. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" She asked. You nodded. "They're not dangerous wounds. All I need is some band-aids and peroxide." You said. Sayuri smiled and wrapped an arm around you. "I'm glad!" You rubbed her head with a chuckle. "My hair~!" She whined, pulling away. You laughed. Mito noticed and joined in with the laughter. Shigure watched quietly.

The group arrived in Shibuya and quickly dispersed. Sayuri went to check on the students, Goshi decided he had something better to do, Shigure went to clean up, and you and Mito went to Guren's office to report in.

You walked quietly down the hall with the red head. Mito watched you, but looked away when you noticed her gaze. "How come you wanted to come with me when you have wounds to be cleaned?" She asked. You shrugged. "I figured you didn't want to go alone." She nodded dubiously.

When you arrived at the office, Mito knocked on the door. "Come in!" Guren called from the other side. You pushed the door open and Guren's eyes widened slightly. "What happened to you?" He asked. "A Four Horsemen of John and building don't mix well." You reported.

Guren placed his head on his hand. "Is that so?" He asked. You nodded. Mito bowed slightly. "We went on patrol like we were asked to and ran into a Four Horsemen of John. It was quickly defeated, though." She reported. Guren nodded thoughtfully. "Well done."

Your heart seemed to speed up as you looked at the purplette. "And..." Guren's voice was cut off as you zoned out. Mito waved her hand in front of your face. You blinked. "Yes, sir?" You said. "Go get washed up and bandage those wounds." Guren repeated. You nodded and bowed. "Right away, sir." You said and quickly left the room.

Mito exchanged a glance with Guren. "She seems off." He said. Mito nodded in agreeance. "I wonder why..." She mumbled. "Anyway, I'll leave you to do your work." She turned and left the room.

Meanwhile, you were cleaning your wounds. You were lost in thought. "Do I really like Guren Ichinose?" You thought. You frowned and cleaned your face.

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