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Hola. Chapter Two, ready to go. I hope you enjoy. Did you know that if you smile, you can trick your brain into thinking that you are happy?

Warnings : Mild to Moderate Sadness (depends on how emotional you are)

Words : 2,225


He lugged me to the sofa to lay me down gently while I was clenching my abdomen in immense pain. Even though I knew he was concerned greatly, he succeeded to put up a cool facade. He stooped on the flooring beside my stomach and tugged my top up. "That's what I'm talking about," he rotated to scowl at Gabriel who had just sauntered into the room. "What? My little bro-" he discontinued his sentence when my face scrunched up in unbearable pain. His glass of liquid, probably whiskey, plummeted to meet the floor and hurried over to where his little brother was assigning his hand to my stomach. I jumped at the touch of his icy fingers belonging his hand and relaxed when the pain subsided. A deep sigh escaped from my lungs as Cas's face turned up into a smile. I twisted my head to see Cas's bright orbs scanning my face and Gabriel's hand resting on Castiel's shoulder, lips also in a huge grin. "Addy, are you okay?" Gabriel's worried hazel eyes searched my facial features for an answer. I nodded my head quickly, placing a smile on my face while Cas grasped my hand. He started to rub circles on the back on my hand, face hardened into his famous emotionless expression.

"She's been having some serious stomach pains lately. This one was the worse one so far," Cas informed his brother as he aided me to sit up on the settee, making space for my partner to sit. Gabe's face immediately fell as he took a cautious footstep towards me. His heavy boots landed on the oak floor as he inched closer. He began to stretch his hand out for me, but suddenly halted and gawked at me, asking for my permission. I moved my head, and he laid his hand on my stomach. After a few moments, his eyes started to tear up. Troubled, Cas and I looked back and forth at each other then landed back on the crying angel. "What is it Gabriel?" Cas's voice sounded panicked.

"Addyson was pregnant with a boy," Gabe's soft voice called out. My eyes widen as I sighed happily but stopped when I saw his tears weren't from happiness. "I'm sorry," he whispered the last part. My glistening eyes moved from Gabe's huge ones and landed on the wall behind him. The first tear broke through the wall as its brothers and sisters rushed out to join it. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body and pulled me into a strong chest. I couldn't hear the words of comfort over my loud, heart-wrenching cry. My first child had already died in my womb.

I jolted awake as the tears were rolling down my cheeks. My eyes adjusted to the darkness as I saw familiar objects come into play. I looked to my left to see Jonah sound asleep, obviously having a horrendous dream of his own. I soundlessly and carefully placed a tender kiss to his forehead then slowly moved his limb from my midriff and slid out of the king-sized bed. My feet crept along the plush, carpeted bedroom floor as I eased the door open to drip into the hallway. I navigated around the second floor until I approached the stairs where I quickly sprinted down. I ambled through the dining room, living room, and den until I made my way to the kitchen. I released the freezing fridge's air after opening the door and slammed it shut once I grabbed a bottle of water. I then paced myself to reach the medicine cabinet to take a few of my anxiety pills without straining myself. Allowing the pills to work their magic, I sat on the barstool that was placed at my counter island and laid my head on the cool marble top.

"Did you dream of that again?" a monotone voice called out to me. I wasn't even startled since I was used to his zapping. I exhaled sharply and bobbed my head. I heard rustling and felt arms wrap around my upper body, his head laying on my shoulder. My hands grasped his arms that were enfolding me tight.

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