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Tag! This is chapter five, so get ready for a ride! (Corny chapter jokes will make an appearance, so get ready!) Hopefully, you won't hate me for this chapter. This gif isn't exactly what happened, but it gives some insight on what the angel looks like. Get ready for feels.

Warning : Mild Swearing, Feels Rollercoaster

Words : 1,348


"Absolutely not. Why would you even ask me that?" my giggles integrated with the drinking fellow's in front of me. My eyes darted to his semi-red face as he took another swig from the bottle, shrugging his shoulders beforehand. A slamming noise jolted our attention as we turned to face a disgruntled Dean. "What's up?" I asked light-heartily to wipe the horrified look from his face. His green apple eyes snapped to me and expanded before he murmured a silent refusal. I rose an eyebrow and stood from the table, excusing Dean and I from Sam's curious gaze. I marched to Dean and snatched his arm, pushing him out the door. "What is going on?" I hissed to the barely intoxicated man that was currently towering over me.

His eyes scanned the motel's parking lot and the darkness surrounding the building subtly, then motioned for me to join him on the hood of his car. I hesitantly followed, crossing my arms in front of me which signaled that I was listening. "Since the hunt was a success, Cas and I went to get beer," I nodded my head because I remembered them leaving for alcohol, "I left him in the car since he was texting you, and I went in the store, after making sure that he was good. When I returned, the passenger door was slightly ajar, his phone was on the ground, cracked and bloody, and his angel blade was laying on the seat where he was sitting. I didn't want to freak out, so I drove back as fast as I could, hoping you would know what happened to him." His hope dissolved after he saw the terror smeared over my facial expression. My eyes ran back and forth as I scanned my mind for anyone or anything who would wish to do him harm.

After coming up empty-handed, I turned on the angel radio and heard immediate panic. Chaos erupted in my brain as my hands shot to rub my temples. Seeing the swift action, Dean's eyes snapped to my nimble fingers soothing my temple and kept his attention on me, wondering what had happened to me. "Angels are dropping off, one by one," my hands dropped to my side as a panicked Gabriel appeared before us. His hazel eyes scanned over my worried face and Dean's multi-emotional one. His sweaty hands gripped my soft ones as he pulled me up and rushed me into the motel room. After Dean scurried in after us, Gabe slammed the door shut and bolted the doors. A shadow loomed over me as I felt body heat radiating off the gigantor's body as his intoxicated voice called out an angry sounding "Gabe?" Gabe's breathing became shallow and irrational which triggered me to take some ground-eating steps and placed my hands upon his broad shoulders. I forced the archangel to take some deep breaths and explain why my angel was missing. "Someone or something is taking all the angels. I think they're trying to get to Addy because they are only taking the angels who protected her. I think they're trying to lure her out," all eyes turned on my pale face as my mind searched for the angels who had ever protected me. An abandoned warehouse was a beacon for angels' cries.

My eyes locked onto Gabe's as I tried to push through him. His large hands grabbed my biceps as he held me in place. "You can't just go into there without a plan. You'll get hurt," Gabe's worried yet angered voice yelled out to me. I challenged him by gazing into his eyes. My action caused flames to erupt into his sunset eyes. His grip tightened as he forced me to sit on the bed, next to the overly-worried Dean. Fumes whistled from his ears as he paced across the floor. "My brother may have gotten captured, but I'll be damned if I let the girl he loved get killed. He will kill me, and I would die before I let something happen to you," his fatherly voice echoed into the air. My head dropped as he looked at me harshly, causing him to sigh in disappointment. He plopped down on the bed beside me and placed his hand on my knee. I looked into his eyes as his wings expanded from his back.

The darkness of the night welcomed us as we landed on our feet outside the warehouse. His right hand engulfed my left as he gave me a reassuring squeeze and led me into the forgotten building. The doors echoed a slamming noise as a flickering light was shining upon a beaten, unconscious Castiel. I took a deep breath as we approached the shallowed-breathing angel with quiet footsteps. "Well, look who finally appeared. I've been waiting on you sweetheart," an all-too-familiar voice rang out into the suffocating air. My eyes scanned the night leaking into the warehouse due to the windows to see movement from the left side of my body. My hand tightened in Gabriel's as I subtly jerked his hand into the direction of the movement. He winked at me when a shadow flashed past us. "So nice to see the abomination again. Tell me. How have you been?" the teasing voice struck a nerve as he called me that word.

Silence filled the air as Jonah casually strolled behind Castiel with a sneer plastered onto his face. My eyes widened as he removed the bass from his voice into the loving voice he always used with me. "Cat's got your tongue?" my jaws clenched so tight that my teeth started to ache. His eyes held mixed emotions as he switched his attention between me and the archangel. "Here. Have a seat," we were forced down into chairs that appeared behind us. Our hands were separated which caused a bigger smile to grow on his face. "You know," Jonah walked over to a table to drag over in front of us and sat on it while licking his lips, "they really do love you."

"I bet Castiel never told you, but he was supposed to kill you. When it was deemed that he was unfit for the job, they sent in Samandriel. When he couldn't do it, they sent in a big boss, Gabriel. Somehow, you had caused them all to love you and treat you as family, even though angels do not have families. Cas fell in love with you, Samandriel made sure you were safe at all times, and Gabe cared for you at home. Everything was perfect. Right? Wrong. You had gotten pregnant, and as soon as the angels were aware, you had become my target. Why do you think you had that miscarriage? We couldn't have another Nephilim walking on the Earth, can we?"

My eyes teared as I heard the words fall from his lips. I saw fighting out the left corner of my eyes as I turned to see Gabe's wings out and him fighting against Jonah's force. I heard cackling that soon died off as the force on Gabe got weaker and weaker. Jonah planted his feet firmly on the ground as he prepared his angel blade. Jonah had finally removed the permanent smile from his cocky face. I didn't know Cas was awake until he sneakily rose from the chair and a flutter of wings filled the air. Due to the interruption of the intense stare-down happening, some harsh swearing was heard from the fuming archangel. My body fell limp as I let the realization dawn on me. Jonah has been playing me for the past few years, everything between us was a lie. Jonah was the reason why my child died in my womb. Jonah was supposed to kill me, and he could've done it at any time. Castiel and Gabriel was supposed to kill me as well.

My breathing became uneven as a million thoughts raced through my mind. The last thing I saw before everything faded to black was a battle occurring before me, and two fingers reaching for my forehead.


;-;. I know. I'm a meanie. I hope you enjoyed, as much as you could, and offered your attention for me.

QOTC: Did you expect Jonah to be a bad guy at all?
AOTC: I didn't at first, but I wanted to try to make the story dramatic and feel-y, so yeah.


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