Three - Part Two

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I decided to add this part to the book just because I wrote it, and I think it's pretty good. 

Warnings: Just Cas's POV

Words: 725


Addyson disappeared into the hours of darkness to gather intel on Jacob Thoron, the general practitioner who is suspected to be the siren. "I'm in," a whisper uttered over Sam's laptop. I stood from the bed and marched to his station where he was assisting Addyson's navigation. If things turned sour, Dean, who was sitting down the street, could rush in and help. If things got worse, I could pop in and destroy anyone who dared to hurt my friends. The video on the laptop's screen faded from static back into the picture for the next fifteen minutes while Dean hummed some classic rock songs into his headpiece. "I took pictures of anything that seemed off, and I'm heading to Dean now. See you later," Addyson disconnected the call while Sam sat back and sighed heavily.

He twirled to me with curiosity laced in his eyes. "What's the matter?" I asked while tilting my head a tad bit. He expressed insecurity and contemplated whether to ask the question that has been eating at him for some time now.

"Did we get in the way of you and Addyson?" his small voice broke through the air. My eyes squinted as I snapped my head towards him to see him already looking at me with saddened eyes.

"At first, yes. Something terrible had happened between us, and I was trying to tend to it, but you guys needed help. I asked my brother, who loves her dearly, to tend to her needs, to make sure that she was eating and so since she had to rest and gain her strength back. I quickly learned that I was bringing harm to her, so I informed my brother to tell her that I had perished. I had never left her side, even though she thought I did. She prayed to me every night until she started to lose faith and ceased to pray at all. I left to protect her, but it was at the wrong time. She thinks that I had broken my promise, but I never did. I never left her side," my eyes studied his actions as he dropped his head and clasped his hands. My flutter of wings echoed through the air as I flew to Addyson's side in the speeding car. Making sure I was concealed, I proceeded to listen to her wishes.

"Hey, Addyson. Do you mind if I ask what happened between you two?" Dean's voice rang out after he had reached for the car radio's volume knob. His head rotated to check to see if she was conscious, only to find that she was and was biting the inside of her cheek. "You don't have to if you don't want to," he quickly added, misunderstanding her focused look from her uncomfortable one.

"No, it's fine. Cas and I were having a baby. I had learned that I was about three weeks pregnant, but something went wrong within my body, and our baby passed away. I was just thinking about how my baby boy would've been," she whispered in the still air of the Impala. Her head gradually turned to look at the now tense Dean, gripping the steering wheel tight.

"We took Cas from you when you were recovering from a miscarriage," he stated to himself while having a deadly grip on the wheel, "How can you even talk to us? You needed him more than ever, and we just took that away from you."

"Don't beat yourself up. I had forgiven you, you need to forgive yourself. You need to forgive yourself for every bad thing that has happened. Even for the things that were out of your control. Why haven't you forgiven yourself about your brother?" her voice calmly called out to the chauffeur whose both eyes had turned into Pluto. He snapped his head to her and quickly back to the road. "Can I tell you a secret?" Addy scooted closer to the brother who had started to reach for the demon knife. "There's no need for that. I'm a Nephilim. I'm half-angel and half-human," her hands shot for the dashboard when Dean slammed on the breaks after swerving to the right shoulder. His head snapped to my ex-girlfriend as his eyes got wider. Before Dean could ask her any question, I revealed myself in the backseat.



QOTC: How do you think their baby would've been like if he was born?

AOTC: Since he would've been a Nephilim and having Cas as a father, he would be adventurous , a bit of a rebel, intelligent, kind, funny, sweet, and very protective. He would be raised to be a butt-kicker and gentleman. He would be almost perfect. 

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