(Part 1) Glass

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Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Thor, Loki, or anyone else. Everything belongs to Marvel. But the plot is mine. Totally mine. Get your own!


By Thompson Square

Trying to live and love,

With a heart that can't be broken,

Is like trying to see the light with eyes that can't be opened.

Yeah, we both carry baggage,

We picked up on our way, so if you love me do it gently,

And I will do the same.

We may shine, we may shatter,

We may be picking up the pieces here on after,

We are fragile, we are human,

We are shaped by the light we let through us,

We break fast, cause we are glass.

Cause we are glass.

I'll let you look inside me, through the stains and through the cracks,

And in the darkness of this moment,

You see the good and bad.

But try not to judge me, 'cause we've walked down different paths,

But it brought us here together, so I won't take that back.

We may shine, we may shatter,

We may be picking up the pieces here on after,

We are fragile, we are human,

We are shaped by the light we let through us,

We break fast, cause we are glass.

We might be oil and water, this could be a big mistake,

We might burn like gasoline and fire,

It's a chance we'll have to take.

We may shine, we may shatter,

We may be picking up the pieces here on after,

We are fragile, we are human,

And we are shaped by the light we let through us,

We break fast, cause we are glass.

We are glass.


(In this one, Thor and Loki are in their teenage years, but just starting. Basically, puberty is coming, all that good stuff).

There's no reason for me to be jealous of Thor, Loki reasoned with himself. Thor doesn't see himself above me...does he?

Loki sat in a tree, watching his brother fight bitterly, angry that he couldn't be as graceful as Thor was in training. Thor was a natural born warrior, strong and stubborn. He was precise. And, unlike the other boys, Thor did not brag about his winnings. If anyone could beat Thor, it would be Sif, and only because Thor couldn't use his full strength with her, unless he accidentally crack her skull.

Of course, Sif has been wanting to be near Thor a lot more lately, and Loki had not missed the sly glances she'd given him. Loki didn't like it. Not one bit. He knew it sounded crazy, but Thor was not to be shared. Thor belonged to Loki and Loki only. They'd figure out a plan when the time came for Thor to be married with a wife of Odin's choice, but for now, Loki was not giving out samples.

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