I Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer

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Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.

I Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer

Stevie Wonder

I never dreamed you'd leave in summer

I thought you would go then come back home

I thought the cold would leave by summer

But my quiet nights will be spent alone

You said there would be warm love in springtime

That was when you started to be cold

I never dreamed you'd leave in summer

But now I find myself all alone

You said then you'd be the life in autumn

Said you'd be the one to see the way

I never dreamed you'd leave in summer

But now I find my love has gone away

Why didn't you stay?

I Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer

"You need a haircut."

Loki turned to smile at Sigyn, their legs intertwined, fingers interlaced. Loki used his free hand to stroke her cheek, as soft as the wind that bristled around them and gently rustled their hair.

"I think I look wonderful," Loki says, pulling Sigyn closer to him.

"Are you and Thor trying to start a new trend?"

"Everyone wears their hair long in Asgard," Loki pointed out. "Besides, short hair makes my ears stand out. And we can't have that."

Sigyn giggles, "You're impossible. Help me up, I have to be home by sunset."

Instead of helping her up, Loki pulls her lips to his, and kisses her softly, smiling when one of her hands reached up to tangle in his dark hair.

"I love you," Loki says. "You know that?"

"Yes," Sigyn smiles back. "You tell me every day. But I do think I love you more."

She stands, and Loki watches her hips swing as she walks away.

"You never spend any time with me," Thor complains to Loki on the roof of Thor's tower. He'd been sent there after breaking out of the Academy as punishment, although he was allowed to leave. His curfew has been greatly shortened. Thor pouted, pursing his lips, legs dangling off the edge of the roof. "Is Sigyn that interesting?"

"I know you are not about to bring this up," Loki replies. "Remember when you had the biggest crush on Sif?"

"Everyone remembers!" Thor snaps. "Even the mortals know that you cut off her hair because you didn't want the warrior girl to be the future queen of Asgard. And you were jealous."

"I was not jealous," Loki sniffs. "I just don't like bitches."

"Its hardly appropriate to call my friend a female dog, Loki," Thor playfully shoves his shoulder, although he frowns. "Why don't you like her?"

"I just despise her very existence, Thor. Can we drop it, please?"

Thor quickly let it go, nodding his head and looking away, wishing Loki had acknowledged him. Loki had been spending most of his days, the ones where he could get away from the guards and Thor and from his princely duties, to go off somewhere private with Sigyn, his girlfriend, the one Odin highly disapproved of. Not that he'd admit it, but Thor was jealous. Oh, he was very jealous. Loki was his first, and he missed when Loki looked up to him, or when he would come to visit him in the tower. And now, there was just nothing.

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