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Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.


By Aqualung

God and his priests and his kings

All were waiting, all will wait as they go over

Held between heaven and hell

As they're dancing, as they dance over and over...over

Cold, Cold

Crimson and bare as I stand

Yours completely, yours as we go over

Sing for the lion and lamb

Their hearts are haunting

Still hearts hold ever and ever...ever

Cold, Cold

God and his priests and his kings

Turn their faces, even they feel the cold, oh...oh

What you are given can't be forgotten and never forsaken

What you are given can't be forgotten and never forsaken

Cold, Cold


In Asgard, once a boy comes of age, on his way to becoming a man, they must prove themselves worthy in front of the royal court and the citizens. This typically means that one must hunt a large animal and bring it home, or win the annual tournament, or, if you were really lucky, you fought in a war. Of course, normal people wouldn't be excited to be on the front line, fighting giants and sparring with dwarfs or elves. But then again, this place and it's people were anything but normal.

Thor's coming of age ceremony was quite a while ago, and of course the golden prince chose the tournament, and won. If there was anything that Thor was good at, it was fighting, as he loved to prove to Loki when they playfully wrestled and Loki lacked the strength to pin his older brother to the floor.

Now, it is Loki's turn to prove himself. And, no, he was not looking forward to it.

Loki groaned quietly from his seat beside Thor in the court hall, listening to Odin talk to other kings and queens of the other right realms. Thor and Loki were required to sit there, albeit silently, to represent Asgard while also making their parents look good. Neither of the boys were too happy about it, since they could each be doing something much more productive instead of just sitting here. They both wanted to cause a bit of mischief, but learned their lesson from the last time they tried to be funny.

Thor fought the urge to squirm in his seat, wishing he'd brought his hammer along so he had something to keep his hands busy so he wouldn't be tempted to make them spark with lightening. Loki wished he brought a book. Even he, the most patient of the princes, could not stand sitting still in situations like these.

With Odin and Frigga's back to them, Loki slowly raised his hand and wiggled his fingers against Thor's rib cage, smirking at Thor's restrained laughter. Loki did it again, this time making Thor release a small yelp in surprise. When Frigga looked in their direction, she saw nothing but two princes with perfect posture. She turned away, suspicious.

"Stop that," Thor hissed. "You'll get me in trouble!"

Loki rolled his eyes.

"Why else do you think I am doing this?" He whispered back, jabbing his fingers against Thor's sides again.

Thor let out a squeal.

"Is there something you needed, Thor?" Odin asked, his one good eye turning to his eldest son. Thor's face paled and he shrunk down in his seat. Thor quickly shook his head. "Do you need to step out for a bit? You look a bit sick."

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