Chapter 2

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"We better hide the ship." Steven said. Garnet made her gauntlets huge and she smashed it into the ground. "Not what I had in mind, but okay." Steven said. Then Greg drove the van to the barn, and jumped out. "STEVEN! There you are! What happened?" "Awesome stuff happened!" Greg looked at JP. "I remember you!" Greg exclaimed. JP blushed a little. "Oh, right..."

The Crystal Gems went back to the Beach house and had invited Connie over. Connie brought her new sword, that she snuck. Connie talked with JP and became friends with her. Then Greg asked everyone into the warp pad room. They all walked in, and Greg asked for JP to stand with him. Even Pearl stood up. "Pearl, you remember her, right?" Greg asked. "Yes, she used to be close friends with Rose, but, she left as soon as I joined Rose, and became part of the Crystal Gems." Pearl said. "Wait... so she's a family friend?" Steven asked. "Yes, Steven. She is. Technically." Pearl answered his question. JP looked at her, and she looked at Steven. "So... you're the off spring of Rose?" She asked. "I guess?" Steven said. "Steven, can you show her your gem?" Greg asked. Steven nodded and lifted his shirt and JP was amazed. "Could you summon your weapon?" JP asked again. Steven nodded. "It's a shield. Lion has my mom's sword." Steven gleefully said. JP smiled. "That's amazing. Now... um... do you guys know where Jasper was last?" She asked. "She's still in the cracks at the watermelon Steven Island." Garnet said. "Oh, yeah!" Steven beamed. JP looked at Garnet. "Is she cracked? Is she okay?" JP started to frantic. Peridot got worried. "Calm down, JP!" JP stopped and took a breath (if they do). Peridot looked at JP. "Have you been doing this lately?" JP nodded. "We need Jasper. Now." Peridot told Garnet. Garnet nodded and went to the warp pad. JP and Peridot following, as well as the others, and Connie.

All of them made it to the watermelon Steven Island, and Connie enjoyed the scenery of the Island. JP was told to stay near the warp pad, with Lapis, and Peridot. The other gems went to the crack in the earth to find Jasper. They eventually found Jasper, but her gem was slightly cracked. "OH MY STARS, JASPER'S GEM IS CRACKED!" Pearl said, and fainted (HAHA). Garnet made Jasper's physical form disappear and grabbed her gem and bubbled it. They eventually went back to the three and JP saw Jasper's gem in the bubble. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She screamed. Peridot smacked JP's gem, and she was formed back to her gem self, and she was bubbled by Steven. "Do you always have to do that to her gem to make her calm down?" Steven asked, as Peridot nodded. "Jasper started doing that, when we were at Home World. She was originally a floor cleaner for Yellow Diamond and she would always freak out when Jasper would get hurt, or if any of her friends got hurt. So Jasper started doing that, and assured Yellow Diamond that it was fine to do it, as long as she doesn't bubble her." Peridot explained, while going back to the main warp pad in the beach house. "So... do we need to go back to the springs to cure the crack on Jasper's gem?" Steven asked. "Ha, yeah, Steven." Amethyst answered.

The Gems soon got to the springs, as JP was reforming her physical form, like when they cured the crack on Amethyst's gem, and they cured Jasper's gem, as well. Jasper started to take her physical form, and saw JP. "J-JP?!" Jasper said frantically. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BACK AT HOMEWORLD WITH YELLOW PEARL WATCHING YOU FOR ME!" "I was and Yellow Diamond sent me here to look for you and Peri! Garnet and the other two took out the five rubies that were with me, to make sure I did my job right! Yellow Diamond said that if I found you and Peri, she would get me anything I wanted!" JP yelled back at Jasper, as Jasper flinched. Steven looked confused. "Um-" "AND I WANTED YOU BACK SO WE CAN BE TOGETHER AGAIN!" JP finally yelled, and started to tear up. "I missed you, Jasper! I missed you; even Yellow Pearl was missing you!" "JP..." Jasper said. JP hugged Jasper, and Jasper smacked her gem and she held the gem. Jasper sighed, and held the gem close. "I'll join you guys later. I need to think." Jasper told them. Garnet nodded and had everyone go to the warp pad, to the beach house. "Is Jasper going to be okay?" asked Amethyst. "All we can do is wait." Garnet replied. "Until then, we need to train." "Why?" Steven asked. "We need to be ready, in case an invasion comes." Garnet replied. All of them looked at the sky, trying to see if they could see space ships, but they couldn't.

      Hey guys! Aunty here! I hope you love this part!

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