Chapter 1

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"BEEP BEEP!" Ughhhh.. I woke up from my alarm going off, not wanting to go to school. I turned my alarm off and put the covers over my head wanting at least five more minutes of sleep. But that sadly got interrupted when my mother came into the room.

Fetty Mom - "Come on Willie time for you to get up. "
Fetty- "Ugghh please can I just get five more minutes ."
Fetty Mom- "OK , then well I guess that u don't want nun of my motherly sweet pancakes. "
I jumped up from the bed so fast that I almost made a dent on the headboard from hitting my head on it.
Fetty Mom- " Yeah now that's what I thought, so come on brush your teeth, wash your face, put some clothes on, and come downstairs so you can eat.
Fetty- "alright I be right down" I said as I was getting out of the bed.
Fetty Mom- "Hurry up before your food gets cold. " she said as she walks out the door and close it behind her.

After I got done eating breakfast, I told my mother goodbye and headed out to August house. August is one of my old time friends along with Chris and Trey. We all grew up together and their practically my brothers. We all known each others since we were in diapers. As I started approaching his house I heard his parents arguing and yelling AGAIN. I approach the door and rang the door bell and banged on the door. They didn't hear me the first 2 times I assume, so I constantly rung the door bell and banged on the door. Until finally I heard someone say.
August Dad- "Answer the damn door August! "
August Mom-" Don't talk to him like that! "
August Dad- " Shut the fuck up was I talking to you!"
August Mom - " But I'm talking to you and don't tell me to shut the hell up before I come over there and knock your two front teeth out!"
August Dad- "Shut up talking to me before I come over there and rip your vocal chords out and you won't be able to say a damn thang!"
August Mom - " Nigga I wanna see you try! "
I rung the door bell again .
August Dad- "August get the door!"
August- "OK,ok I got it damn! "
He finally opened the door.
Fetty-"Hey. "

August- "Hey. " he said annoyed.
And we did our hand shake and headed off to the bus stop.
Fetty- " So I see things are not getting better huh. "
August-"Man you don't know the half of it. If you ask me I say that things are getting worse everyday. " he said as he was shaking his head.
Fetty- " Do you think that they are gonna get a divorce? "
August- "Man I sure hope so. I don't see why they still together if they can't stand each other, I mean take one another out of each other misery and get a divorce."
Fetty- "Well maybe it will get better. " August gave me one of those "the fuck" look.
August- " That is a big ass "maybe". It will take Jesus and the holy ghost to put them back in good terms. I don't remember a time when they just said a simple hey to one another without an attitude. "
We finally made it to the bus stop just in time, when the bus pulled up and we got on it and headed to school.

As August and I walked to our lockers we saw Trey and Chris talking.
August & Fetty- " Hey my niggas. "
Trey and Chris turned looked at us and we all did our hand shake.
Chris- " Wassup niggas , it's about time y'all brought y'all country ass to school. "
TREY- " Yeah, we been waiting all day for y'all nigroes. "
August- "Hey it's not our fault that the bus was late. "
Chris - "Still y'all can't be having us waiting for y'all country asses all day."
Fetty-"How long did y'all wait. "
Chris- "Five minutes can't you believe it. " I just laughed and shook my head at his crazy ass and opened up my locker.
Trey-" I don't know why you laughing for cuz I could've been doing better things."
August- "Like what?"
Trey - "Talking to Big Booty June. "
August- " Man that girl don't want you. "
Trey-" Yes, she do. "
Chris - " August is right. "
Trey looked at chris and said "why you think that."
Chris- " Cuz she wants me. " he said pointing to himself.
Trey -"Boy bye. "
August laughed and I shook my head closing my locker as all three of them kept arguing about Big Booty June.
Fetty- " Hey I catch all of y'all later. "
They all nodded and went back to arguing. As I walked to my class not paying attention to where I was going I bumped into this fine girl. She dropped her books and hurried to pick them up. I went down to help her.
Fetty- "Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you their. "
Girl- " It's ok , I should be paying more attention. "
I gave her the papers she dropped.
Girl- "Thank you"
Fetty- "Your welcome"
Before I could say anything else, she walked off. I shrugged my shoulders and walked off to class. I made it just in time before the late bell rang an set down in my usual seat in the back.

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