Chapter 4

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Sorry I have not updated so far! I was having lots of pressurized tests. I will try my best to update as soon as possible!

“MOM! DAD! HELP ME!” she screamed.

The beast let out a humorless laugh. Its red gleaming eyes were searching Mareta’s brown ones. She could feel her body shaking with horror.

What was she to do? She knew deep inside that she was going to be an awesome dinner for the horrible creature standing right in front of her. She didn’t want to give up. Not yet!

She will have to know the whole story of her life before. Suddenly an idea pierced her mind. Why not try to get that fire technique now?

She is in need of it as-a-matter-of-fact.

She opened her eyes to maximum and started to breathe deeply. Her heart was beating frantically against her chest like some frantic bird.

She had to get control over her body. To keep her power under control. The humming sound from the other room earlier was still there.

She looked at the spot on her right palm. Her teeth was shattering. She was afraid of losing one of the most important evidence about her past.

Her mind was working quickly.

She had to ask the beast about her “kind” first. She was so close to the truth. “Err… Ma’am? If you can speak, which I am absolutely sure you are able to, please answer a lat question for me.” The beast looked taken aback.

She could have sworn she had seen a gleam run through its bloody eyes. “Yes? What is it, know all?” It spoke with a harsh voice.

Mareta was weighing her chances. She would have the chance to ask her the question she always wanted to ask, but, what would happen to her after that?

She would definitely get eaten and the information would be of no use. She had to search for some kind of trick to get away from this place after she ask. What if the fire technique doesn’t work this time?  She would sure be eaten in one gulp.

“WHAT IS THE QUESTION GIRL?” the beast shouted. Its voice ran shivers through her body. She had no other choice. She would have to depend on luck.

She gulped.

“Err... What did you mean by my kind? Who am I? Who are my real family?” She spat.

“Well! Well! Well! You’ve got enough guts to ask me three questions at once. I must confess I am touched. You must be very tasty. “It muttered, licking its lips. Mareta gulped. “Yeah so what is the answer?” She said with more confidence. “I would answer only one of them. Who are your real family? Ah… I forgot to tell you, but I hate giving direct answers. I just like giving hints.” It said with a more murderous look.

It was like it was resisting the urge to crunch every part of her body.

“Well! I think now you’ve discovered yours right? Can’t you conclude anything? It must be coming back to you by now. You look already 14 years old. At least you are seeing flashes of it aren’t you?” It asked with an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

Mareta looked bemused. “What do you mean by flashes of it? WHAT…WHAT AM I? Why am I the only one seeing all this? How in the world do you know all of this anyways? How can you transform?”

The beast looked bored and tired.

“ I wont give you any other clues other than this, “you are an experiment that went wrong, that is all! Why don’t you try using it now girl? I know you are hiding it for the best opportunity. Do you think I am a fool? I have more experience than you do!” Mareta was shocked. So she knew after all that she had this power?

“NO” she said to herself.

Not yet, she thought. She was always taught to think through. “Nothing is perfect, everything however much it seemed strong, there had to be a gap somewhere”. She thought deeply. She hadn’t much time left.

If she knew she had some kind of power.  Why hadn’t she mentioned the type? Is it because she doesn’t actually know? Mareta knew this is her golden chance.

If she doesn’t know it, then Mareta can just pretend something and surprise her with something else.

She took a deep breath “OK! I’ll show you my wind power!” She started making gestures with her hand. The beast looked angry.

“WIND POWER!” she screamed. She made some dramatic moves and grabbing her chance, she ran at top speed to the opposite direction. She was stopped.

The beast was in front of her again. She looked quickly behind her. How did he move so fast? Something punched her hard in the stomach.

She could feel blood splattering out of her mouth. She was breathing slowly. “Do you really think I am a fool?  DON’T YOU DARE TRY TO THINK THAT YOUR HUMAN MIXED MIND WOULD BE HIGHER THAN ME!” Mareta smiled.

This is exactly what she wanted. She got another clue out of her. “Well! I think it is. You just gave me an awesome hint. I am grateful. So I am not a full human eh?”

The beast looked like it was about to burst from anger. It made a quick move to her side and clutched her neck against the wall.

Mareta coughed. She smiled weakly. “I guess you have to be more careful next time. You have just given me another clue. That awesome mark on your right palm.”

The beast was shaking. Mareta smiled mischievously. “Whatever you would do you won’t be better than me. You get angry easily. I advise you to have some kind of control. So let us see, you have already given me lots of clues. I am actually able to combine the pieces of this business together. According to my calculations you can’t kill me.” Mareta smiled again.

“You are wrong then because I will!” It said. It held up a hand and started punching every inch of her body. Mareta’s brain told her to stay still. She knew what would happen if she made an action.

Hey guys, how is it this time? I know it is not so good. Sorry! I have been busy lately. I assure you next chapter would have more action and mystery! Just support me with a vote and a comment! Thanks in advance ^__^!

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