That Chat

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'Now it's time to tell I guess!' I told myself

"Well I-he is my ex. Things were SO different from our relationship. I was abused, left sober, I got kicked out of my OWN house by him! I mean like...... I just couldn't take it anymore I was his 'love slave' and his 'experiment' I was abuse SO bad for 2 1/2 years. It was the MOST difficult thing I went thru in my life! I don't wanna go thru it again so if u hiding something TELL ME NOW!!" She shed a few tears

"N-no!" Jax started sweating

Leah rolled her eyes
"Well I want to have a good day so u better make it up to me!"

" but I didn't do nothingggg!!" Jax wined

" I know but I don't have anyone to love or be with or someone to make me happy. Your the only one I have! So please make me happy!" She shed more tears

She broke down busted into tears
Jax NEVER saw he like this
It was like NOTHING he saw before
Now he knows he has to do
Do her what makes him happy

XXX- I don't know how to post pictures or videos still tryna fix things so hopefully I get it right!-XXX

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