The Birthday Girl ||Pt. 2||

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                ||Leah's POV||

"Well 10 of my friends are coming and most of my family are coming,so." With a lot of hand gestures I said

"You kno the exact number of aliens?" Jax asked

I looked at him like he was stupid
"What?"I rolled my eyes

"So you happen to know how many people are coming?" He sat on the couch

"Nurple!" I said trying to be in style.

If he gets to say nebula stuff im sure I can say out-of-the-ordinary stuff too! If I cant I'll KILL him!

He looked confused. Why did I even!!

"SERIOUSLY YOU GET TO SAY NEBULA STUFF AND I CANT SAY WORDS LIKE THAT???? I ........ DONT ....... LIKE ......... YOU!!!!!!!" Fiercely mentioned

"Woah woah woah..... Honey I'm sorry! I just wasn't-"

I cut him off

"Look I don't care just start decorating outside ok? I don't care about you now I just wanna have a party! The night is still young! I just want today to be all about my because it's my day!" I yelled

I'm a douche bag why do I have to yell?

"Chume- oh ok! That's sorry in nebula tal- ok I'll go!" He said

I'm gonna breakup with him I swear I'll cut "it" off!😡"

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