Romantic At Work

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"Hey Jax!" Leah walked in

"Hey my honey-bunch-of-oats!" Jax smiled big

"Ok! Could ya just stop?" She rolled her eyes

-----A costumer came in and asked for the manager witch was Jax------

While Jax was with the costumer Leah went exploring

"That man looks familiar!" I thought"That flower smelled awesome! Man I feel like I know him. They look like they've known eachother for a while!"
(The last time Leah has a man when she was 22..... She's 25 now!)

Leah went up to the mysterious man. She asked him what was his name. Now. She wishes she didn't!

"I swear if I think I know who he is I'm gona flip then throw a pointy cactus at him!!" She thought angry

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