The Lies You Tell

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--- Two days past and Jax was come back. But the bad thing is--he didn't know it was about to get deep, real deep!---

"Hello!" Leah said

Aloha ma'dam! He sweet talked her

" Aloha NO! We got stuff to talk about understand?

"What did I do?" Confused

" OH DONT LIE TO ME!! YOURE GLUKINGCHEATING ON ME........... WITH A DAMN TREE!!! What were u thinking? Oh, u wanna know how I found out? We'll see lemme tell ya. So when we were were at the Garden Shop doing "our thing" , I saw a map with coordinated labels on it. That said Mary J on the top,guess what I thought you were a weed head. But no, you're a STUCK - UP ,LOW LIFE,WANCH!!! Oh and I hope u know I don't like you and you can't to ANYTHING to make up this!

"L-Leah,c'mon...I mean it's just a tree🙄😒" Jax mentioned

"Yes it's a tree that u had it with, and named it Mary J! Who the hell does that?!!? Then u put a damn bra on the tree! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!??" Leah is very upset

"I Mead a mistake! I'm sorry!
**Jax got on his knees and sighed out something in his back pocket**
"Will you marry me ," Jax asked

"You're obviously retarted! Who does that at this time while we're arguing at eachother??"

"Will you, Leah?" He shed a tear

Leah knew it was fake just so she could get all emotional and say yes!But does he mean it?

*I wrote this chapter on the bus so the words may not be right!SORRY!*
*Will Leah say "I do " or " I don't"  comming in the next chapter!!*

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