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2 months later.

I had continued to wake up in the middle of the night coughing. The doctor insisted that she run a few tests, including a biopsy.

"The Chemo doesn't seem to be working and she has gone up to Stage 3." The doctor said that in front of Eden and my mom. Both of them were in literal tears. Me? I just sat there. Knowing that my claim that I was dying was now true. 

The doctor left us. We sat in an almost silence.  Almost meaning that the two were sniffling and whimpering.


"Harmony, how do you expect us to get a hold of ourselves?We both love you more than anything in this world and your condition has gotten worse." Eden said, her voice cracking at every word.

I now knew that they were only acting and crying like this because they love me.

My mom walked out for a little bit, giving me and Eden some time alone. I was now on oxygen. We were watching the adult cartoons. "Shut up, Meg." We laughed. Then Cleveland's house exploded and he was in the bath and he fell out of his house. We started cry-laughing at that. Then my mom came back. She went to take Eden home. 30 minutes later, she came back. "Why are you back?"

"I'm not leaving you here by yourself in your condition, Harmony."

"In my condition? Mom, I feel perfectly fine. Just go home. You don't need to be here."


"Mom. Go. Home. Now. I don't want you to be here. It's unhealthy for you to see me like this 24/7."

"Fine. Goodnight, I love you."

"I love you too."

After my mom left, my nurse walked in with my usual blue popsicle and my Chemo. "Here you go, Harmony. The doctor has requested that we up your Chemo." I sighed as a response. My hair was already thinning. Now it was gonna just fall out. "I know, hon. But you are still very very pretty." "Thank you, Amy." "You're welcome." And with that she walked out. I stayed up a little later than usual. I ate my popsicle and cut the TV volume down. I grabbed my ukulele and played and sang.

She asked me,"Son when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold and when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me?"

She asked me,"Son when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold and when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me?"

I will make you queen of everything you see

I'll put you on the map

I'll cure you of disease

Oh, let's say we up and left this town

And turned our future upside-down

Well make pretend that you and me

Lived ever after happily

She asked me, "Son when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold and when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me?"

I will make you queen of everything you see

I'll put you on the map

I'll cure you of disease

Oh and since we know that dreams are dead

And life puts plans up on their heads

I will plan to be a bum

So then I might become someone

She asked me, "Son when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold and when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me? "

I will make you queen of everything you see

I'll put you on the map

And I'll cure you of disease.

I was kinda out of breath by the end of that song. "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful!" My nurse called out. "Still up are we?" She asked. I blushed and nodded. "Well it's 10 minutes till 12 a.m. you're Chemo is over with for the night and you, my dear, should really get to bed. Goodnight, love!" She said as she unplugged me from my machine. "Night!" I said with a smile. And for the first time in forever it was a genuine smile.

Imperfect Harmony Where stories live. Discover now