Gale's Song: Gale's POV

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Song: Gale's Song by The Lumineers

I sit inside the military compound at the base in the Capitol with my wrists bound in plastic ties. It kind of reminds me of the one I've been living in for the past two years, but this one isn't underground. For two years I worked with the resistance against President Paylor. Two years, and then Katniss' daughter showed up. I shouldn't say "showed up." We kidnapped her. Up until then, I worked blindly under The Captain, the idea that Paylor wanted to become a tyrant engraved in my mind. Then, when there were enough soldiers, we executed the assassination. Though I didn't personally kill her, I can sometimes still see the remnants of her blood on my hands. Shortly after that, we took Nadia and Flint to use as propaganda. But that wasn't the only reason. The Captain knew that Katniss and Peeta wouldn't just sit back and watch, not with their children missing. No, this would get them involved. This would start a war. And that's what he wants. I told myself that it was the right thing, that Paylor was going to die in office, setting the precedent of a monarchy all over again. I ignored all the other signs. I told myself that I had no opinion on kidnapping Katniss' kids. What did I care, right? As it turns out, I cared a lot. Seeing Nadia, who is a spitting image of the Katniss I remember, the one who I loved, changed me. It was also around this time that I found out The Captain's true identity. I found out most of my colleagues knew. I found out I was being used for my skill with weaponry. The foundation that I had rebuilt my life on was shattered, and I knew I had to get out of this mess. I had to make things right. So, I started helping Nadia. I am not heartless. I want to do what is right. But, it's so difficult to tell what is right in a world full of wrong. I knew that Katniss would come to rescue her daughter. I knew I had to help. Really, I got lucky that the rescue squad was in such dire need of assistance. Assistance which I provided. Maybe that's why Katniss got them to let me on the helicopter. Maybe it's because I used to be her best friend. I haven't seen her since we got of the helicopter. In fact, I've been completely alone in this room, waiting to be interrogated. And when I am, I'll be honest. I'll explain that I was lied to, misinformed for years. And then, I'll dedicate myself to helping this cause, just like I did the last one. It's not like I have anything else, or anyone else, to dedicate myself to.

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