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it didn't take long for a doctor to enter the small room that the pair were waiting in. luke was still asleep on michael lap, his breathing calm as his lips parted.

michael wanted to so badly lean down and kiss them, but he knew it was wrong. looking up as the door opened and made a small creaking noise, he gently shook the small and fragile boy awake.

luke whined as he stretched out and sat up. squinting his eyes at the bright light while yawning. he looked up at the doctor, giving him a shy smile. removing the wrappings around his finger, he held it out for the doctor to look at, thankful that it had stopped bleeding.

"well its not bleeding, so thats a good sign. however, it does look like you need a couple stitches." the doctor spoke, a smile on his face the entire time.

luke pouted softly, nodding his head silently. michael looked over at the younger boy and smiled, tubbing his back to calm him down. he pushed the hair out of lukes face, his smile growing when he saw a small blush on his cheeks.

after luke had got the stitches he was constantly complaining about his finger. michael would have shot him, but he knew he wanted to keep him around.

luke was curled up with his feet on the seat as michael drove them back to lukes house. upon their arrival, he parked in the driveway and looked over at luke.

"do you want to come in for a bit?" the small boy asked shyly, looking at his feet and rocking back and forth.

Michael smiled and led them into the other boys house. closing the door, he placed his large hand on the small of lukes back. the small boy glanced up and bit his bottom lip, looking back down. he began to walk upstairs to his room, forgetting the watermelon mess was still sitting on the counter.

the tattooed male chuckled as he saw the girly and pink room of the boy, ruffling his hair. luke hummed as he fixed it, walking over to his bed. michael followed behind him and sat on the edge.

luke was propped up on his knees as he sat on the back on his legs. as the older male was looking around, luke took the time to look at the small details in his face.

reaching his hand out and tracing the lines of the tattoos, he smiled softly. michael jumped slightly as he felt the cooling touch of the young boy. he turned around and smiled, wrapping one arm around his waist and pulling him onto his lap.

luke let out a small squeak, crawling off of his lap and back to his original sitting position. "whats wrong?" the male asked.

the boy shrugged as he looked up through his eyelashes, a small rosy colour now on his cheeks. a smirk grew on michaels lips as he though the boy was blushing because of their position. however, in reality, luke was just blushing because he was caught.

luke had his legs crossed, his arms resting between his lap and making sure his skirt wasn't showing anything he didn't want it to show. he cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "do you wanna do something?" he asked in a small voice.

michael chuckled and bit his lip. "yeah, but you probably wouldn't like it," he hummed to the younger boy.

this caused luke to tilt his head to the side, scrunching his face up at michael. "what do you mean i wouldnt like it? i like doing lots of fun things," he giggled.

michael shrugged and wrapped his arms around lukes waist, pulling him onto his lap once more and holding him there. this time around luke stayed, pouting softly because he was moved from his comfy position.

the older male guided lukes arms up and around his neck, returning his own hands to the boys hips. "close you eyes."

luke did as requested, wondering what they were going to do that was so fun. bitting his lip slightly, he played with the ends of the boys hair as he waited.

soon enough, the tattooed male leaned forward and connected their lips, slowly moving them together. at first luke was shocked but began to copy what michael was doing.

the kiss was short and sweet, but when they pulled away, everything turned back to normal. michael stared at luke in realization of what just happened.

pushing the boy off quickly, he got up, telling him he had to go. he rushed out of the room and out of the house. "see you soon." luke would say quietly to himself to feel better about the situation.

however, little did luke know that he wouldnt see him for weeks.

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