[ prologue : beginning ]

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Start from the beginning. Yeah, from the beginning.

Tell them how we first met...


"Hi!" A boy from my class came up to me as I was playing by the swing.

"Hi!" I replied back happily.

"Let's be friends," the boy suggested.

"Okay," I replied with a giggle.


As I folded the paper and passed the note to my best friend, he immediately took the paper and opened it - only to be caught by the teacher.

"Joshua Hong!" My class teacher scolded him and pulled him out of his chair by the ear.

Joshua immediately stuffed the note into his mouth and just smiled at me. I let out a little giggle and secretly apologised for getting him into trouble.


Tell them about our dreams...


As the globe spun, we closed our eyes and randomly put our fingers on the globe.

When we opened our eyes, our fingers landed on our dream location to live in the future.

Joshua and I both landed on Seoul. "Yay!" The both of us cheered happily.


Even the weird ones...


As the two of us laid in my room, on the floor, sharing a pair of earphones while listening to music, I listened to Joshua's weird dream.

"You know, I had a dream last night."

"What did you dream about?" I curiously asked him.

"I dreamt that I was a chair - but not the plastic ones, the ones with the wheels," Joshua described.

"That's cool," I commented with a smile.

I put out my hand, palms facing out, and Joshua placed his arms on mine. The both of us made eye contact and smiled - but not the bright kind of smile, the delicate kind of smile.


Nah, I'll keep that as a secret...

"It's time," my best friend, Seungkwan, informed me as he picked up his champagne glass and lightly hit it with a fork to gather attention.

Alright, you can do this. Just tell them, that this is the happiest day of your life. Yeah, the happiest day of my life.

As the room grew quiet, I stood up and looked directly at all the guest that appeared at the wedding.

Before I began my speech, I took a deep breath and started my speech with a forced smile. "Hi. To those who I haven't properly introduced myself too, I'm Lilia and this is the happiest day of my life."

I made eye contact with Joshua and saw smiled at me. I smiled back at him and looked back at the guests.

"Yeah, it's one of the happiest days in my entire life," I said with a forced smile - once more.


Before the banquet began, I hid in the van and cried my heart out at the fact that the only person I truly love was getting married...

LOVE, JOSHUA - H.JSWhere stories live. Discover now