[ lilia's 18th birthday ]

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- 12 years earlier -

"Woohoo!" I cheered as I finished an entire shot with Joshua at the bar.

It was my 18th birthday and Joshua decided that we should celebrate it at a night club. I hesitated at first, but, I decided to just go with it. It is my 18th birthday after all, I deserve to have some fun - don't I?

The both of us danced to our favourite songs and drank like there was no tomorrow.

Drink after drink. Song after song. I bet people would have think we were complete lunatics, but then, almost everyone in the club were crazy - if not, crazier.

As the both of us took a break from dancing, we both took a slice of lemon and sucked the juice out to get the alcohol taste out of our mouths.

But honestly, I couldn't care less. I was too drunk to bother about how I look or what I was doing. Joshua - on the other hand - wasn't as drunk. He was the one that looked after me - kind of.

We both laughed in between and let our foreheads touch each other.

All of a sudden, the laughter between us stopped. Our foreheads still touching each other and our nose getting closer. My heart was starting to beat loudly and my breath was becoming slightly intense as I smelt Joshua's breath - only alcohol.

In movies, this was the time where the two lovers would kiss. But, we weren't lovers, we were best friends. It'll be wrong to kiss him, it's like kissing my brother.

With our eyes closed, I hesitated, but tilted my head and kissed Joshua's soft and delicate lips. To my surprise, he didn't push me away, he returned my kiss. I felt the alcohol rushing through my veins and continued to kiss him slowly.

Soon, we broke the kiss and opened our eyes. I looked into Joshua's beautiful brown eyes and started to question my life choices.

Joshua was about to kiss me again, but I suddenly slipped and everything just went blank.

Miju: Oh my god, I studied Add Maths for like 4 hours straight...this is very very very new for me 😂 But, I managed to update another chapter 😊

LOVE, JOSHUA - H.JSWhere stories live. Discover now