[ beach time with Yebin ]

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"Woohoo!" Yebin exclaimed as she managed to do a cartwheel. It wasn't perfect, but she was close. "You do it mummy!"

"Okay," I replied with a giggle and did a cartwheel.

Yebin clapped happily and hugged me tightly. "I want to do again!"

I decided to bring Yebin to the beach because I got a day off today and she really wanted to play at the beach.

"Mummy! There's sand in my eyes!" Yebin whined and I immediately ran to her.

"Alright, nothing to worry about," I comforted her. "Let me blow it out," I said to her calmly and blew into her eyes so the sand will go out.


As Yebin and I built sandcastles, I received a text message from Joshua.

Joshua <3: I dreamt that I was an arrow. The little bit right at the top of the arrow whizzing through the air

I smiled at his text message and replied him.

Me: What did it felt like?

Joshua <3: Weird.

Me: Don't worry, you always have dreams like that :)

Joshua <3: I miss you, a lot, Lilia. Please come visit, okay?

I smiled at his text and gave a thought to the idea of going to Seoul.


"What have you told the poor brat?" Seungkwan asked as he sent me to the airport. "That you're bringing home her dad?"

Seungkwan then showed me the picture that Yebin drew of herself, Joshua and I. It looked like we were an actual family. 

"No!" I defended myself and took the paper from her. "He brought me the ticket, I have to go."

I got out of the car and began walking into the airport.

"Good, cause he's got a girlfriend," Seungkwan said as he followed me.

"But funny that her name wasn't mentioned for quite a while," I informed Seungkwan.

"But that doesn't matter to guys," Seungkwan said. "I know because I am a guy."

"Sure you do," I replied with a giggle and stood in front of him.

"Here," Seungkwan said and showed me a packet of condom.

I just rolled my eyes and hugged him. 

"Don't even think about it, Boo Seungkwan," I warned him before walking into the airport departure hall.

It's a good thing I have Seungkwan to count on when Joshua is away.

LOVE, JOSHUA - H.JSWhere stories live. Discover now