Chapter Three

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Kate POV:

After they finally left, the movie was great. I mean, I loved them and all, but they were really overprotective. I could handle myself. At least, I thought I could.

About when they should've been back and mysterious man in white came up and sat down right next to me. He stared at me for the longest time before I said," Um sir, that seat it taken." He still stared at me. My hands started to heat up. That happened when I got nervous or sensed danger.

He reaches his hand into his pocket. "Um sir?" I ask nervously. There was a long pause. He pulls out a tazer and ignited it igniting my flames, but before I could burn him he stuck it into my side. I screamed and crumbled to the ground. I blasted a blast of searing hot fire at him, but it hits the seat.

More people in white dashed toward me. I could just barely read their name tag. It said SHIP. I was being kidnapped by the Super Human Investigation Police. I had to stop them in time for my brothers to help me. I stretched out my hands to blast some searing flames but they wouldn't come. My hands were covered by metal gloves. I couldn't use my gift with the gloves. I tried to pull them off but they didn't budge.

Three of the SHIP members trudged over and picked me up and started dragging me towards the exit. I kicked and screamed, "HELP!", but everyone was too scared to move. "CLAY, SEAN, HELP!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"Hush girl," one of the SHIP's grunted. He covered my mouth with his hand. I was out the door by then. I bit down onto his hand until I tasted blood, but by the time he released, I was already shoved a white SHIP car. They strapped me down and drove away from the theater to my sudden doom. Without Clay and Sean. Alone with a group SHIP members.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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