Chapter 1

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Hey this is a book about a young girl who gets into a horrible accident which makes her forget herself and has to learn who she is all over again.∞



Josie's POV:

Hello my name is-*bam*

(There is a big flash and then everything goes dark)

" HEY! HEY! Wake up. Please wake up!"

I am barely waking up when I hear the sounds of many ambulance sirens and fire trucks. I try to tell the lady talking to me to lay off. I mean overall I had just.... Wait what did just happen? But when I do go to ask her to please stop I open my mouth to speak and nothing comes out.

" Oh honey, I love you. " the woman kissed me on the forehead.

"oh I'm so glad you're ok."

A lady comes in a full set of blue clothes included with blue gloves.

" Excuse me ma'm, you need to go so we can check her out." she says.

"Please I ne-"

The woman that was talking to me and kissed my forehead was talking to the lady in the blue like she was very worried.

" Please ma'm."

The woman who kissed my head ran over to a man who raps his arm around her shoulders while she cries. I try to turn to get a better look an when I did a felt a sharp pain in my neck and my right hip. I feel the hot tears filling up in the back of my eyes. I fall back over on my back and feel another excruciating pain in my spine. That's when I lose it. I start screaming and crying and trying to ask for help but when I do it's just a mix of jumbled letters put together trying to be a word. Then I feel a quick pinch in my arm and then quit hurting. The next thing I know I am in a hospital bed and have multiple I.V.'s in my arms. I also have an oxygen mask. There is that lady again holding my hand. Man, who is this woman.

" Hey honey, how are you?"

I open my mouth to tell he I'm fine expecting to make those weird sounds again but this time I actually managed to get out something that sounded human-like.

"fine. " I said in a faint whisper.

"What I can't hear you." the woman said.

"Fine."I said a litte louder.

"Oh honey I'm so glad you're feeling better."She let out a bug sigh of relief.

The door opened and I almost turned my head to look and remembered the pain that came with the curiosity, so I decided to stay the way I was until they came into view. Oh it was just the girl in the blue. Now that I have come to my senses I was realizing who she was and what she was doing. I raise my finger ever so lightly and try my best to point at the girl in the blue.

"Who?" I muttered.

"What dear?"the lady said.

I tried to raise my finger again, it goes up but comes right back down. "WHO?" I muster out as loudly as I can.

" Oh honey that is the nurse. She will help you get better!"

Oh well cool.

" Umm, ma'm can I speak to you out in the hall way?" the nurse says.

" Yes, of course."

A few minutes later the woman comes back in crying, sits in the chair beside me then looks at me and shook her head then started crying even harder.

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