You Guys Do A Revine

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This was requested by blobswomen375MJgirl enjoy Zamaria

You and Michael are watching someone not giving a crap about the purge and makes fun of it. The vine shows someone dancing to music while someone is the background is being chased by somebody. You two are laughing so hard at this its cracking u up but then u get an idea.

"Hey Mike?"

"Yea Zamaria?" He says looking at u

"How about we do a vine Revineing of this one?"

"Yea sure that could be fun"

You two get started working on the video you decided that the music was gonna be 1 of Michael's songs and that name was gonna be punk. You were singing the audience telling them if they liked the purge that they're punks.

Once the video was over you two watched it and laughed your butts off it was hilarious.

Michael stopped laughing and turned to you with a serious face. You looked at him with a curious face wondering what could be in his mind.

"Mike what's wrong?" You asked concerned and worried

"Zamaria I have to tell you something" He said.

"What is it?" You asked

"Ok... (He said taking a deep breath) Zamaria I've always liked you since our first class together in the 1st grade. I couldn't tell u cause I was nervous to tell you and thought that you would never feel the same way."

You were sad to hear him say this but also thrilled because you felt the same way about him but never told him because you thought he'd feel that way about u.

"So... I was wondering would you be my girl?" He asked nervous

You thought you'd play around with a little bit just for fun.

"Uh... Idk mike I might have to think about it"

He looks down upset.

"That's ok I understand"

"Aww mike don't be upset I was just playing with you of course I'll be your girl"

He smiles and hugs you and then he kisses you and you kiss him back and then you two watch your vine again.

2 weeks later your vine got a lot of views and became really popular and people started Revineing it.

Alright u guys I hoped u enjoyed that I'm not really into vine but if u are that's cool. If u enjoyed this u know that to do comment and vote and I'll see u guys next time✌️

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